Chapter Twelve

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Wooyoung's P.O.V

  We make our way down the very long escalators until we've reached the very last floor, which happens to be a bowling alley. I grown mentally at Yeosang's poor choice of entertainment as i remember my inconvenient lack of talent in this game. Therefore, i overwork my brain for a minute to come up with any valid excuse as to why i cannot play today, but nothing of importance seems to cross my brain. I mean i can't pretend to be injured since i've been running down the escalators trying to keep up with an unsurprisingly excited Yeosang, nor can i pretend to be tired since i've been playing like a 3 year old since the moment we got here. Man this is annoying.
  And to make matters even worse, my allegedly hidden irritation doesn't seem to be very well hidden since i notice Mingi eyeing me amusingly. I guess my scowl wasn't just mental after all . I smile at him innocently and then pretend to be looking around curiously. As i'm doing so, i still catch a glimpse of a smile forming on his lips with the corner of my eye but i decide to let it go and act as if nothing has occurred.
  'Come on you guys! We have to get our shoes. Hurry up grandmas' I can decipher my friend's obnoxious screams from a mile away and i sigh at his childlike behaviour. Mingi suddenly then grabs my hand and fast walks towards a grumpy Yeosang.
  'Took you long enough' he whines as he turns towards the small desk at the front and asks for three pairs of bowling shoes. Each of us then grabs the corresponding shoe size and changes, then we're all being lead to a small table in the middle of the arena. I drop my wallet, phone and keys on the table and turn around, already dreading the upcoming game. But what i witness elevates my worries and throws me in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.
  There, in the middle  of the huge wooden floor, stands my dear best friend, stretching in the most awkward ways possible, adopting the funniest positions accompanied with the weirdest faces. Yeo seems to be well aware of the little crowd he gathered around him as he starts to imitate some fitness dvd from back in the 90s, yelling absurd encouragements and random movement names.
Yeah my dear companion has always been a crowd pleaser. But what even makes the situation more humorous is the fact that Mingi has documented the entire thing on his phone. Just imagining Yeosang's reaction to his video has me doubling over from laughing so hard.
  After what seems like five to ten minutes of this continuous comedy show, and to my
utter dismay, Mingi pulls Yeosang by his arm to the table and dismisses the people who were surrounding this freak.
  'Had enough crazy moments for today?' i ask a panting Yeosang, who in return winks at me and nods his head. I throw him a bottle of water while Mingi stands and picks up a heavy bowling ball.
  'Let's get this game started' he booms as he slightly runs towards our assigned wooden lane, throws the ball as symmetrically to it as possible, and knocks down all of the pins in one go. I can pretend to be astonished but to be honest, i've seen this coming. This guy just seems to be the absolutely perfect person who's good at pretty much everything.
'Of to a good start Min, but don't worry you'll slack in a bit' Yeo sasses and winks at his cousin as he throws his own slightly lighter ball and manages to knock all the pins down too, fist bumping the air a second later. Wow, wonderful just fucking wonderful.
'Come on dreamy boy, you're up' Mingi comments smirking at me and oh what i would do to wipe that stupid attractive smirk off of his even more attractive face... i mean what??
As a method of delaying my upcoming embarrassment, i take my sweet sweet time picking the lightest ball they have to offer, and walk to the alley
'Just so you guys know, i absolutely suck at this game and i'm only playing so i wouldn't feel lonely. No attempt at competition here' i state calmly, despite my already drowning in shame self, and swing my arm back before throwing the ball im the middle of the alley. Said ball thuds loudly against the wooden floor and rolls to the left until it fall off the destined pathway.
Both of the guys laugh at my outstanding skills until i glare and smile sarcastically at them. Mingi immediately stops laughing while Yeosang manages to crack a few jokes about this before the back of his head tastes the palm of my hand, several times in a row.
'Ouch that hurt fucker' Yeosang winces in faked pain, while rubbing the abused spot.
'Don't make fun of me then fucker' i retort back and he just shows me his tongue and sits down, waiting for Mingi to shoot his shot and score another 10 again.
'You know bowling isn't that hard once you got the simple technique down, which i can definitely help you with' Mingi comments as soon as he sits down next to me, in Yeosang's place since the latter went to score an almost perfect 9. I think over his words for a second-it's not that serious anyways it's just bowling-before i nod my head in agreement.
We both get up when it's my turn to throw the ball, i let him pick up the most fitted ball which happens to he around 8 kgs. He goes then to explain to me that the perfect ball to play with is the medium weighted ones, and that medium weight differences from one person to the other depending on their physical capability. Damn, so my choice of a 4 kgs ball to make the game as easy for me as possible was stupid. Great.
He then ushers for me to move forward until im facing the alley and stands behind me. Now that's when everything starts to get a bit more awkward. In order for him to show me the right moves and angles, he strongly wraps one of his arms around my waist and recommends me to stabilise myself on the ground by pushing my legs onto the floor, one foot behind the other. After that, his other hand wraps around the space that's a bit higher than my wrist and lifts it up until my arm-that's holding the ball obviously- is dangling at a perfect angle. He then lays the hand that was previously around my waist on my lower back and mentions for me to bend down.
'This is the position you should be in right before you throw the ball' he whispers so lowly and slowly in my ear that for a second there i didn't quite register what he said. You don't use that voice to give bowling instructions sir this is dangerous.
'Now before you reach this position you have to fast walk a couple of steps' he continues describing in an even more seductive voice if that's possible, and i can feel the heat rush to my cheeks and neck. I nod my head to tell him i understand cause honestly i don't trust my voice right now. Damn him and his stupid effect on my stupid body.
  I reckon this little tutoring session is over since he doesn't add any other suggestion, but he doesn't pull back either. Quite the contrary actually; his right hand makes its way to my hip and pulls my body flush against his as his left hand tightens its hold around my wrist. His soft plump lips brush against the skin right behind my left ear over and over before they move down a bit and tenderly kiss my jaw. At this point my breath has reached a very uneven and quick rhythm that matches the loud and fast thumps of my heart. Gosh this shouldn't be happening right now.
  Despite my better judgement and my conviction that this is an act of betrayal, my body doesn't seem to want to believe that and refuses to disentangle itself from this very warm and intoxicating embrace. This is so wrong on so many levels, yet it feels so right in so many aspects. Again. and Again. This feels like an old cassette on replay. One that i should be familiar with by now, one that i should know how to pause or even end by now. But no, no i don't know and maybe just maybe i didn't even bother wanting to know.


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