Chapter seven

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Wooyoung's p.o.v

  I wake up shivering. The cold breeze biting away at my rough pale skin. I stand up slowly, wrapping a huge jacket belonging to San around my thin body. I head downstairs, phone in hand and coffee in mind. After making my pathetically lacking breakfast, i scroll through my phone, thankful that i took an entire week off of work, until i receive an incoming call from my boyfriend. Smiling widely, i cough a few times and say meaningless words in different tones before finally picking up to make sure i'd sound wonderful for Sannie.
'Sannie! Good morning babe' i scream joyfully, trying my best not to jump with excitement.
He tsks and laughs coldly.
'Good morning wooyoung' his voice is stripped of any emotions and my smile immediately drops at the unpleasant sound
'What's wrong babe! Are you upset with me?' I ask worriedly, my voice much lower and definitely less cheerful.
'No not at all. I'm just tired from work. Why are you asking youngie? Is there something i should be upset about?' His voice is now angrily curious with a hint of teasing in it. Flashes of last night's events, and the days before it, pass through my mind, whispering shameful comments and hurtful insults to my consciousness.
'N-no! Nothing to be worried about' im back to being jumpy again, but this time fright and anxiety take over my body as i gulp repeatedly. Gosh i hope he doesn't figure out my lies although they're shining as bright as stars .
'Hm. There shouldn't be. I know you're my good boy, aren't you youngie?' He's sure now. And im scared
'Yes yes of course' i whisper, shaking off some of the fright as i encourage myself mentally.
'Yes who?' Authority is laced between the syllables. Maybe he knows. Maybe he's scaring me. I have no clue but i'm not about to give him more reasons to doubt me.
'Yes daddy' as soon as i utter the words, a breath of approval is delivered through the phone. And honestly, i can hear his smirk.
'Good boy. Youngie im actually calling to inform you i'll be coming back today. I'm currently in the airport. I'll see you in a couple of hours.' He hangs up without waiting for my reply. He's got to get rid of this habit.
My smile makes its way back to my face as i start thinking of how much i've missed San.
My sannie is coming back.
And i can't be happier.
I hurry to clean the house before i go fetch some groceries to make dinner. It's been a decade since i last dined with san. I hum 'Blue' by troy sivan as i scan the shelves of the grocery store. Once i spot the products i've been looking for, i huff and puff and glare at the high shelves-that i can't reach even if i jump-as if they would dissolve if i focused long enough. A deep chuckle echoes from behind and i snap my head in its direction
  'Look at you. A pretty boy who's also adorably agressive.' 'Mingi comes closer, ruffles my hair and then grabs the stuff i was glaring at .
  'There you go pretty boy' His smile is contagious so i find myself bubbling with both giddiness and shyness. I avert my gaze to the floor, something i find myself doing a lot in his presence. The silence envelops us for a minute before he throws his arm over me shoulders and grabs the basket full fo groceries from my hand.
  'What do you need this much stuff for anyways?' He asks, looking through my basket.
  'Sannie is coming back today so i'm cooking him dinner' i declare with enthusiasm . But seconds later, he stiffens and grits his teeth slightly that it wasn't noticeable for anyone who isn't as close to his face as i am. My eyes travel to his lips on their own record and i unconsciously lick mine at the memory of our shared kiss.
  'Whatchu staring at pretty boy?' He asks teasingly and nudges my shoulder with his. I blush and turn towards the shelves, pretending to look for some product while i try to calm my crazily beating heart. He chuckles lowly again and lets his hand slip down to my waist.
  'Staring is fine, love. Though you can just ask and i'll give it to you' he states knowingly. My eyes widen and i shake my head vigorously.
  'I-i don't want anything at all' when did my voice become this pitchy again? 'Let's just grab this stuff so i can get on with dinner. I don't even know what i'm making' i fish my phone out and check the time 'and he's gonna be here soon and i have absolutely nothing ready. God i'm the worst boyfriend ever no wonder he's kissed Seonghwa before.' I ramble on and on until i feel soft hands cupping my face and stroking my cheeks lovingly.
  'Don't worry pretty boy. We'll figure it out. I'll help you cook and prepare for your boyfriend's arrival okay? Just relax. There's nothing to worry about' i pout and sigh. I know i'm a drama queen but i just want my Sannie to be happy. I just want to be good for my Sannie.
  'Okay okay. Let's get this over with' i nod my head to assure him i'm not anxious anymore.
  We pay for the groceries and walk back home. I place all needed ingredients on the kitchen counter, clap my hands together, take a deep breath and proceed to cut the vegetables. As i'm slicing carrots, i feel hands slowly crawling around my waist, wrapping its fingers around the sides of my abdomen. My breath hitches and my muscles tense up. The same hands tickle my skin oh so softly until they reach my neck. What is he doing? And why is my heart liking it too much? Suddenly, soft lips place a gentle kiss where magical fingers once were.
  As fast as these actions were initiated, they were gone. I snap my eyes open only to realize that the sensual touches were aiming to wrap an apron around my torso. With this new knowledge, i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.
  'What do you want me to do? I can cook the chicken if you want' he's too relaxed, unfazed by anything and everything that occurred.
  'Uhm yeah yeah. You can start with the chicken' i squeeze my eyes once, my fists twice and grit my teeth for a minute before regaining my previous posture.
  Each one of us is focused on his own task, no one worries himself  with meaningless small talk. Despite the dead silence, all insecurities and anxiety are hidden behind a curtain of comfort and serenity. But this relaxing atmosphere is interrupted by the obnoxious arrival of a certain hyper boy
  'Helloooo bitches. Look who's here!' Yeosang jumps on my back and thankfully i was away from the stove so i fall in the ground with a loud thud and a painful groan.
  'I hear the asshole is coming back. I came here to help prepare for his arrival' i sigh at his choice of words while Mingi chuckles attractively.
  'Okay if you're here to help then grab the rice and get it over with' i order him, planning to make him regret ever thinking it was a good idea to dump alcohol in all pots and his reasoning is even sillier than his actions.
  'Everything is almost over. We're just waiting for the pie to cook. Which should take ten more minutes' i declare an hour or so later, showcasing a prideful smile and a glint of excitement in my eyes (described so by my jerk of a best friend)
  'So all we have to do is wait fort he asshole huh' speak of the devil and he shall mark his appearance. Yeosang is on the nearby couch, his body stretched across the furniture and his hands are constantly shoving chips in his mouth.
  The doorbell rings three times in a row and i whip my head in its direction. All expected helpers are here so that only leaves me with one option, it must be Sannie. I hurry to the door and open it with such force it hits against the wall and bounces back quite the few centimeters
  'Hello youngie, long time no see'

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