Chapter Eight

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Wooyoung's P.O.V

  I excitedly jump into Sannie's arms and wrap my legs around his torso. I also plaster his handsome face with hundreds of pecks. He chuckles lovingly and turns my head harshly towards his so he can kiss me passionately. We stand there, me holding him as if he'll evaporate into thin air in seconds, and him gripping my jaw tightly as we make out until our lungs scream at us for air. Yeosang clears his throat several times to get us to stop being quote on quote sickeningly cute, but obviously that doesn't work as we both decide to ignore him and keep kissing for as long as physically possible.

  A minute later, I'm being dropped to the floor so suddenly that I trip and fall landing on my bum. I pout slightly but then shrug it off quickly so I can catch up with San to help him unpack. As I hurriedly walk after san, I bow my head apologetically to both Yeosang and Mingi after being bumped and pushed to the side by an annoyed San. Yeosang glares angrily at the back of San's head and I worry that if he focuses for a bit longer he might actually blast San's head. On the other hand, Mingi just crosses his hands over his chest and pokes his cheeks with his tongue, an action that I've learned to be one of his irritated habits.

  "Youngie can you take my luggage upstairs?" San asks, well more like demands but yes. I huff and turn around to go get the bags so that I can finish unpacking quickly and then spend some quality time with my boyfriend. But as soon as I start lifting the heavy bag, a much bigger hand than mine snatches it right out of my grip. I stare dumbfounded at Mingi as he strolls towards the comfortably sitting San, drops the piece of luggage right in front of him and crosses his arms once again.

  "What the hell is this?" San retorts back mockingly as he eyes Mingi up and down with a look of pure disgust dominating his usually cold features.

  "Your luggage. I think you're more than capable to carry them upstairs yourself" San tsks and snaps his head to the right, all while keeping his head lowered, before slowly lifting it up to stare Mingi dead in the eyes.

  "I don't see how any of this concerns you" San states calmly as he rests his elbows on his knees and entangles his fingers together before resting his chin atop of them.

  Mingi inhales furiously and groans "Listen here you little punk, I don't know who the hell you think you are but if I were you I'd get the fuck up and get the bags upstairs" at this point, I can practically see the smoke ascending from Mingi's ears.

  "And if I don't?" San's voice drops dangerously low as he gets up and moves his body closer to Mingi. So close that their chests are touching and their gazes are completely concentrated on one another.

  Things are agonizingly quiet for a few minutes.

  No one dares to utter a word.

  My heart is weirdly banging bestially against my rib cage.

  "Hey guys... uhm It's okay I can take the bags it's not a big deal" I try to break the deadly silence but none of them pay me any attention. I worriedly glance at Yeosang to see an amused smirk painted on his sinister face. I shake my head in disbelief and grab yeo's hand "Yeosang and I will take the luggage upstairs. Both of you please calm down it isn't a big deal" I say as I pleadingly look at Mingi to just let it go.

  Yeosang huffs and puffs like a 3-year-old before leisurely grabbing one bag and dragging it behind him up the stairs, and I do so as well but a bit less recklessly and whiney.



  After a session of some extremely awkward conversations, with Mingi and San throwing dirty looks and coded insults at each other for the majority of time and yeosang and I try our best to soften the sharp hatred with occasional jokes and random hot topics. But as the silly arguments between the two hot headed kids progress into loud threatening barks, I proceed to kindly escort my witty best friend and his furious cousin out of the house.

  Once the fights and arguments are finally evaporating from the atmosphere, I turn to my boyfriend with a large grin and hopeful gleaming eyes. I can have my alone sweet time with my Sannie now. At last! Sadly enough, San doesn't spare me a look before slamming his fit body into the sofa and plopping his thin long legs on the coffee table. I furrow my eyebrows at the disrespectful act but shrug it off because he is most probably just exhausted from his long flight and prolonged slight fight.

  I sit next to him shyly and rub my hands together in anticipation. I haven't bathed in the comfort and warmth of my boyfriend in what feels like forever that I find myself unconsciously leaning closer and closer to him until my head finds shelter in the crook of his neck. I inhale his scent deeply and close my eyes tightly. I allow myself to feel San and only San and nothing but San as he slowly wraps his arm around my shoulder and pecks my forehead oh so lovingly.

  I sight in content as the familiar yet exhilarating feeling of multiple butterflies wildly roaming my lower stomach takes me by a splendid surprise. But I welcome them with open arms and a yearning heart. Damn... how long have I been waiting for this romantic reunion to take place? Two months? Three months? I don't know for sure but hell it seems like an eternity. I missed the safety and serenity I used to bask in whenever I was in San's arms. I also miss the calmness and comfort I used to lay in the shadow of whenever I sat listening to San go on and on about his stressful days and his happy times and his adventurous visits and his unexpected discoveries in the foreign countries he resided in.

  Fortunately, my chain of thoughts is interrupted by gentle caresses and soft repeated pecks to my forehead. Happy, I lift my head and catch Sam's eyes gawking at me just as lovingly as I intended to stare at him. I blush a deep crimson red and turn my head slightly to the left only to have it mildly turned back. A second or two later, a pair of full lips crashes against mine stealing my breath away with the long awaited passionate kiss. I reach out my hand to cup San's prominent jawline so that I can have better control over the movement of my lips.

  Yet that was all in vain as San takes complete and total control over the tender kiss. As I fall deeper and deeper into the state of blissful dreaming, San licks my lower lip as if he's asking for permission. And I gladly open my mouth so our tongues can get entangled in an eager attempt to dominate the flow of the kiss. Despite my attempt at battling to win over San's skillful dominant tongue, I quickly retreat into a state of appreciative submission.

  And I take.

  I take and I take all that San has to give with a slight demand for more.

  I take and I take with a rapidly crawling need to rip San's clothes off and feel his naked body flush against mine.

  I take and I take until the toxicity of love has me high on the tiniest bit of pleasure I got out of this

  I take and I take until I'm hanging on the edge of reality, so tempted to let go and surrender to a sleepless dream where I'm always met with this kind of bliss

  I take and I take until I'm fully convinced that it's alright, that we're alright and that this is my happy ending.



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