Chapter Ten

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Wooyoung's P.O.V

The next morning, I'm woken up by the mesmerizing golden sun rays slapping gently against my skin. I open my eyes, stretch my hands above my head and extend my legs as far as they can go, kicking the sheets off in the process. I inhale deeply and try to sit up but a sharp pain shoots across my lower body, grasping the lowest part of my spine and then proceeding to quickly climb up the vertebrae and squeezing it agonizingly tight. I yelp and clutch my ass, as if that's going to do anything.

I try to calm down and to relax my very stiff muscles in order to perhaps lower the intensity of the pain, and that works. In the spam of a couple of minutes the pain subsides to nothing but a dull barely noticeable ache. And so I hop off the bed, put on San's oversize shirt on and a new pair of clean boxers. I then make my way to the kitchen, very slowly may I add, where I can dictate the figure of my lovely boyfriend sipping coffee while laughing and chuckling oh so handsomely at his phone.

I walk up to him and hug his shoulders from behind, he tenses up and slams his phone face down on the table.

"Geez woo, don't scare me like that again" I pout as he removes my arms from around his shoulders and turns to face me with a cold senseless face.

"I'm hungry" he states nonchalantly and I nod my head in response, already heading towards the fridge to get the ingredients to cook him breakfast, with a much sadder spirit than the one I woke up with. I shouldn't feel down though, he's probably just irritated cause he's hungry and tired from his flight yesterday.

Fifteen to twenty minutes later, I'm done making the omelets and the rice and am platting them. As soon as I place the food in front of San, he hurries to shove his breakfast down his throat, taking a break here and there to gulp some water or coffee. I frown in confusion at his eating manners, my Sannie was never like this. It's probably just because he is starving or something.

I shake my head to dismiss my thoughts from going any further and my questions from getting any more complicated and decide to join my boyfriend in eating. I don't even make it halfway through the plate before San stands up and heads upstairs without saying a word. I frown once again and drop my chopsticks, no longer in the mood of eating.

I hear footsteps stumping against the stairs as San makes his way to the front door in a hurry, now fully dressed and typing away happily on his phone...again.

"Sannie where are you going?" I stand up and walk a bit further. Hearing my question, he rolls his eyes in annoyance and then looks at me with a blank yet irritated face, as if he is an impatient teenager wanting to go out and I'm the mean Karen mom ruining his fun.

"Out" he replies dryly before leaving the house, slamming the door shut behind him. I sigh in disappointment and kick the table in anger. This was supposed to be OUR week. I haven't seen him in ages and what does he do? He acts like I'm a possessive boyfriend not allowing him to see anyone besides me when in reality I don't have much of a say in what San does and doesn't.

What should I do now? I'm alone now and frankly I don't want to spend the entire day like that. I ponder the idea of calling Yeosang to go to the mall or do something. But what if San gets back soon, and doesn't find me home? He wouldn't be too happy about it. But then, he was the one who walked out on me the morning after fucking me. With bitterness in my heart, I decide to just fuck everything and call my best friend to go out wherever.

"Ya asshole what's with you calling at the crack of dawn" yeosang's sleepy voice breaks the heavy silence surrounding me and I chuckle at his silliness

"Crack of dawn? Yeo it's 11 A.M" I reply, a soft smile now settled on my cheeks

"Yeah too early to talk" he whines

"Yeah sure. Anyways, Yeoooo I want to go out" I drag out the O for extra effects

"Why didn't you say that from the beginning. I'll get Mingi you get the money okay? Okay byyyyee" his tone becomes cheerful at the mention of going out, knowing fully well that he can convince me to pay in a hundred different ways.

I head to my room and pull a pair of comfortable stretchy black pants and a simple short sleeved black top, tucked in with a belt of course, and a beige heavy jacket on top since it's gotten colder today. I'm done with the laces of my black boots, staring longingly at the front door, waiting for San to miraculously enter through it. My day dream is suddenly interrupted as I hear a car honking frustratingly repeatedly and loudly. I grab my keys, my wallet and my phone and run outside only to slap Yeo's forearm and glare at him.

  "What's with all this noise? Do you not know how to be civil? Jesus fucking Christ Yeo look at the neighbors sending death glares our way

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"What's with all this noise? Do you not know how to be civil? Jesus fucking Christ Yeo look at the neighbors sending death glares our way. Fucking great" I huff and puff and cross my arms and glare some more until I hear a familiar low chuckle coming from inside the car. I look inside and our eyes get caught in an intense staring contest. I blush. Shit it's Mingi.

After seconds I shake my head and avert my gaze to my now very interesting shoes, but then I jump in my place, completely terrified as Yeo honks again and ushers for me to get in. Still annoyed yet embarrassed, I climb into the front seat causing Yeo to scream a very unnecessary FINALLY before racing down the road.

"So where to your highness?" Yeo asks with a fake British accent, this guy and his fake accents are going to be the end of me

"The mall" a deep voice answers before I get the chance to reply.

"You're not paying Min so stay out of it" Yeo winks in the rear-view mirror and I shake my head again.

"The mall is fine" I second Mingi's suggestion and oddly enough he squeezes my shoulder, keeping his hand there for a moment before retracting back into his seat once our eyes meet again.

It doesn't take us more than fifteen minutes to make it to the nearest mall. And once we make it inside the building, Yeo grabs my wallet, winks at me and runs into a random shop. I try to scream for him to stop but soon realize it's useless, I agreed to pay for him anyway, like I always do. The attractive low chuckle blooms from beside me again and I tense up when I see the distance between us- or lack thereof-.

"Want to help me pick a new pair of pants?" Mingi asks, as if sensing my discomfort in our current position, while pointing at the store beside us. I nod and he grabs my hand, leading the way. We walk around the store, examining every design until we settle on something both of us found decent enough. Mingi takes his size and inspects the store's corners until his eyes stumble upon a male dressing room.

He tugs me in its direction and when we reach there he tugs again, confused I furrow my eyebrows only to have him look at our intertwined hands. My cheeks are once again decorated by a crimson shade of red that continues its spreads to my neck, and I quickly snatch my hand away from his while of course pretending to stare at the store's oh so divine collection.

Mingi then goes inside the dressing room without uttering a word, which I'm immensely thankful for. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and rub my hands together. How on earth did I forget that we were holding hands? Why were we even holding hands in the first place? Gosh this is most definitely the most embarrassing and awkward hangout I've ever been to.  

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