Chapter Three

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Wooyoung's p.o.v

I hurriedly grab my phone and pray that San has miraculously forgotten my existence for a day. I don't want to worry him. He'll just jump to conclusions before I even get a chance to explain myself. I scroll through my texts and am not all that surprised to see twenty unread messages and then check my last calls only to groan at the ten missed calls from my one and only.

"Yeo pray for me man" I pout and he shows me his two crossed fingers without lifting his head from his desktop.

I hesitantly press his name and wait for him to pick up. I close my eyes waiting for his loud worried screams to fill my ear.

"DO YOU REALISE HOW SCARED I WAS JUNG WOOYOUNG? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? DID YOU DROP FUCKING DEAD FOR 24 HOURS? OR AM I JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOUR CALLS MR. GOLDEN BOY?" no amount of mental groundwork could have prepared me for the long ass scolding I received. I close my eyes tightly throughout most of the one sided loud conversation.

"I'm really really sorry babe it's just that I've been too busy with work and I didn't pay attention to anything else besides it." I try to come up with a good excuse that could get me off the hook but I guess my beautiful angel isn't ready to let this one slip yet.

"work? Really Wooyoung? I'm pretty certain your boss doesn't keep you at the office a minute later than 6 p.m. Stop lying to me and own up to your actions" his tone is bitter, each of his words is dripping with fatal venom and I'm torn between cussing him and sobbing my heart out.

"San please I'm sorry don't be mad" I whimper devastatingly and blink the accumulated tears away. The decision is made I suppose; I'm going to stain my worksheets with salty water.

"Maybe if you stop lying I wouldn't be yelling at you out of furiousness. Also your pathetic whimpers aren't going to help your case. Quit being a cry baby and act like a grown man for once." He spits out with repulsion and frankly speaking I've never felt more disappointed with myself. I feel like I'm hanging off a crumbling edge with emotional rocks being thrown down at me while destiny is directing bruising punches straight to my chest.

"San I'm not lying I swear please stop" I couldn't hold my sniffles in anymore and yeosang whips his head to the side as soon as the sounds make their way past my lips. He pushes his chair closer to mine, furrows his eyebrows and tries to listen in on our chat.

He sees my trembling figure, clutching my mouth, listening to san yell at me calling me a cheater, a liar, a crybaby and worse of all a whore.

"Hey buddy, boss is calling us right now so you're going to have to postpone your bitchiness a little bit, m'kay? Alrighty chaaaaw" Yeosang snatches the phone from my hand and replies sassily before slamming the electronic device down and pulls me into a tight embrace. I dig me head unconsciously into his chest and moan in sorrow loudly.

"There there now. Pretty boys shouldn't cry over jerks now should they" Yeosang says in a suspiciously low voice, therefore I look up and through my blurry vision I can make out a sharper jawline, curlier hair, longer neck and a leaner figure. Despite the weird demeanor of my best friend, I have no intentions of letting him go yet.

He rubs circles on my back and places his head atop of mine. He kisses my forehead and pulls me back a little to wipe away the rain drops streaming down my cheeks. I scrunch up my nose and he laughs at the action. But he doesn't laugh the way Yeosang does, rather he chuckles lowly and shakes his head in disbelief before a small amused smile stretches his cheeks.

I rub my eyes with my fists and blink a few times before refocusing my gaze on his face, and to my surprise, I find a concerned Mingi with his right eyebrow lifted and his eyes boring into mine. I detach my hands from his sweater and force my attention seeking self to back up a bit. I rub the nape of my neck and let out a shaky breath

"I'm sorry for being clingy" I didn't intend for it to come out this desperate or this miserable. Neither did i plan to like his warmth this much and seek his touch again. San would be mad.

"I didn't mean to do that I just, I don't even know what to say, I'm sorry for being such a hoe practically and I wasn't throwing myself at you I just thought you were yeosang but that would mean that I was throwing myself at yeosang which I definitely wouldn't do it would be more of a platonic hug and now I'm blabbering. Great"

He takes my head in between his soft palms and strokes my cheeks lightly with his thumbs, exactly similar to the way he erased my tears. A very gentle and delicate touch. I close my eyes briefly, basking in the warmth of his presence.

"Do you want to perhaps leave this place? Go somewhere a little less crowded and more comfortable?" too exhausted to speak, I nod my head and step aside. Mingi takes my hand in his and guides the way to the exist of the building.

"Mingi?' I call

"Yeah?" he looks back at me and stops dead in his tracks. He examines my face that heats up under his intense gaze.

"Uhm... why were you at the company?" I ask and fiddle with my fingers. I can't help but keep my sight on my converse.

"Oh I just wanted to grab the keys from yeosang because I didn't get mine yet. But that doesn't matter now. What does however is getting you in comfy pjs, cuddled up in your blankets with buckets of ice cream. Am I right?"

"I don't like ice-cream" I pout unintentionally and he ruffles my hair

"What does pretty boy want then?" this nickname never fails in making me turn a deep shade of red. I feel like a strawberry. Tiny and red in front of this very caring, detail oriented, Greek-god-like man.

"I want honey butter chips" I tilt my head to the right, and smile innocently. He lifts both of his eyebrows in slight surprise and curiosity but quickly shrugs it off and takes my hand in his once again. He drags me into a convenience store and starts piling up bags and bags of different chips, occasionally throwing a bar of chocolate or a can of soda.

I stare in astonishment as he pays for them nonchalantly, not even batting an eyelash at the total cost. He grabs the bags, refusing to let me carry any of them, and stands by the sidewalk. We wait for a cab to pull up and not even 30 minutes later, we were throwing our shoes off and ripping the bags of chips open as I look for a good Netflix movie to watch. Mingi sits up against the headboard of my bed and pulls me close until I'm restfully seated between his open legs. He places at least 5 opened bags around us and kisses my forehead before he gently massages my neck and shoulders.

I smile at the interaction and decide to shut off my dangerously fast running mind for the night. It's not like I'm committing an act of betrayal to my lover now is it? It's just two friends casually hanging out. Right?

Love Lies-WOOGI/WOOSANOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant