Chapter Eleven

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Wooyoung's P.O.V

"So what do you think?" Mingi's deep voice echoes in the empty dressing room as he opens the door to the one he was using, stepping out a bit. My eyes bulge out once I take in his very naked torso. Not intending to make this anymore awkward, I avert my gaze to his lower, may I add covered, half and stare a bit at the fit of the jeans. But if we're being truly honest here, nothing on Mingi will ever look bad no matter what he wears. He's just got this marvelous model-like body with his very tall legs, his lean slightly muscular physique, not too bulky but not too skinny either, his sharp jawline and sculpted features, his breathtaking smile and small adorable eyes. He's way too hot that he is pretty much out of everyone's league.

"Earth to Wooyoung, I repeat, Earth to Wooyoung" this seems to drag me out of my inner discussion, bringing me only to panic a bit before coughing clumsily and leaning against the wall

"Uhm yeah yeah they look great" I offer him an, of course, obviously weird wide grin to which he replies by only going back inside the small room and shutting the door behind him. I face palm myself, how could I be this stupid? Get your shit together Woo.

"Ready?" Mingi is back in his original attire and I nod at his question. He grabs my hand again, for no apparent reason, and heads to pay for his new pair of pants and then we both leave the store, still hand in hand. I like the feel of his much larger hand engulfing my cold one, in fact I like it too much that it causes tens of guilty thought to pile up one by one in my head. I'm not a single man, I shouldn't act like it. Thus, I gently remove my hand from his and step ahead of him a bit, not missing the disappointment flashing in his eyes and the ping of sadness reverberating in my chest.

"Woo! Look at the new shirt I got" thankfully, Yeosang's eager run towards us saves me from the pressuring silent stroll Mingi and I were taking for the past five to ten minutes and I sigh in relief.

"Isn't it pretty?" Yeo asks as he comes to a halt in front of me. He pulls out a bright blue oversize tee-shirt and flaunts it in front of Mingi and I, and I smile at his excitement for a mere simple shirt.

"Couldn't you have bought something a bit more stylish?" Mingi teases, earning a not very soft punch to the chest and then doubling over in exaggeration. I giggle at their interaction and decide to join in by pretending to dramatically shield Mingi as Yeo pretends to stab us with his imaginary sword. We keep this up for a while, running around and screaming occasionally, receiving many judgmental looks that none of us bat an eyelash at.

When we get too tired of running around we decide to chill out and fill our grumbling empty stomachs with some junk food. I plop at the first red leather couch I find in front of me, gesturing for Yeo and Mingi to do the same.

"AAH that was fun" Yeo exclaims, jumping in his seat and giggling like a small kid given a cookie. I nod in agreement, smiling gently at my 23 years old friend behaving like he's not older than 5 years old.

"Okay now I'm starving" Yeo suddenly stops his childish act to complain about his hunger, dragging some letters to a form a very entertaining whine. Mingi sighs at his cousin's randomness and stands up reluctantly.

"What are you in the mood of?" Mingi asks, looking at me almost expectantly.

"Pizza would be great" I reply tiredly then look at Yeosang for confirmation, which i get in the form of a fist bumping the air.

Mingi then leaves us only to stand in a painfully long line in order to get our food. I fish my phone out of my pocket, at first I hope for a text from San but finding that he didn't bother to check on me I let out a long sigh of disappointment and maybe worry.

"He hasn't texted yet?" Yeosang asks gently, eyeing my probably sad and longing eyes. I shake my head and look down a bit, willing the tears accumulating in the corner of my eyes to disappear and let me enjoy a peaceful evening for once.

"Hey, don't be sad. It's the first time we hangout in a while, try to relax and have fun." He gradually pulls my phone from my entangled hands "you'll worry about this later" he continues, locking my phone and putting it back in my pocket before giving me an apologetic smile and throwing his hand over my shoulder. I can totally understand where my best friend is coming from, it's only natural to want your friend to appreciate a fun evening away from what might seem like a toxic and miserable environment. And if we're frankly talking right now, I'm immensely thankful for Yeo's subtle attempts at cheering up since they keep me from going wild with assumptions.

I don't have enough time to dwell on this for a plate full of delicious greasy pizza slides towards me, making both Yeosang and I smile in anticipation and begin digging in the heavenly meal. We continue eating in a comfortable silence, sharing a few words here and there to compliment or complain about the pizza, but none of us stop shoving their faces until everything on the table has been cleared.

"That was really good" Yeosang comments, looking at Mingi and I look at Mingi too to agree with Yeo only to find him staring back at me. Before I ca get a word out, I blush furiously at the intensity of his gaze and look down at the table. I decide to keep my mouth shut because I know for a fact that If I were to open it, I won't be able to say anything besides a series of incoherent squeals. And God forbid, I'll be more than just embarrassed by that.

"Is there anything else you guys want to do?" Yeosang asks, in an attempt to lighten the stiff tension between us. "I was thinking maybe we can go bowling" He suggests, now using a much more doubtful tone. To avoid speculations, I nod and grin at him, trying to look thrilled by the idea and I don't really think he buys it but nonetheless he lets the issue go.

"Yeah sure I have nothing to do anyways" Mingi finally replies after what seems like hours of him shooting daggers at my head. Yeosang grabs my arm and tugs me alongside him and damn am I grateful for this because knowing me and my stupidity I wouldn't have managed to leave the table without stumbling down or kicking something. We then clear the table and head to the escalator without exchanging any words whatsoever. 


Hello, i'm so sorry for the very late update. I was going through so much lately, from the bombing of our capital city to me losing  friend and then a nasty breakup. I hope you like this new light chapter, i'll try to come up with something better in the next few days. Thank you for your support, i love you <3

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