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"Why are you still following me?" You huff.

Finally catching up with you,he prepares his defence.
" Can I hang out with you?....

You cock an eyebrow suspiciously.

" It...it feels good to be around someone who isn't... treating me like an idol." He says shyly.

He looks like a literal puppy and this sight melts your heart.

"Family..? Friends...?" You ask with a monotonously prolonged sigh.
" Do they ask for selcas and autographs ?" You ask with a chuckle.
" Well,not always" he says,a smirk on his face.
You both laugh simultaneously.

"Well I guess you can" you say shrugging your shoulders.

"Great!" He says with a clap of his hands.

You both walk a few minutes in silence.

Tae's pov:
I observe how her eyes light up at every shop we pass. She's like a child in a candy store.

" Do you stay around here? " I ask her.
"Not really" she replies.

Tae: "Are you new to this place?"
You:"Yes and no"
T:"What do you mean?"
You: "Why are you asking?"
T:"You don't answer a question with a question"
You:"You don't tell strangers where you live"

....silence. I quickly throw a glance at her and she does the same at that precise moment. It's such a comical moment that we can't help but laugh.
" Shall we try that again?" I ask warmly.
" Yes" she replies energetically.
T:"You're new to Seoul aren't you"
You:"How can you tell"
T:"There you go again,answering a question with a question."
"Sorry it's a habit" she says scrunching her nose...
"I see that" I say tapping her nose lightly.

"I just recently moved to Seoul...It's kind of a long story..."

I notice the gloomy change in her tone as she says this.

"...now less talking more walking" she quickly says,in a more cheery tone.

The rest of the evening is spent with her stopping at literally every food vendor....small talk...street food...more small talk.... This one time,we joined a group of street dancers dancing to Rainism and in no time we were surrounded by on-lookers and it was really fun.She was actually pretty good at dancing which for some reason surprised me. I marvel at how little things made her smile,like seeing a young couple holding hands and the little boy who waved at her from across the street while we were crossing. I've had many escape nights before but this one felt different...and it was because of her,the vibrant stranger.
***Random fact***

Did you know it's physically impossible to breathe in while smiling?

Jk,I just wanted you to smile ;)

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