9. A little jealous

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Natty's POV:
I feel awkward now that I'm here at this get together which is turning out to be more of a party.
I've never been the best at making friends and I'm so grateful that I have Kai.

Kai seems to be quite the popular man. I don't think I've seen him alone for more than a second since we got here.
I, on the other hand,have been sitting alone on a lounge couch watching him talk to his friends.
He didn't want to leave me all alone at first but I didn't want to hoard him and spoil his evening by having him baby sit me at a party so I insisted that he goes off and mingle. He insisted on introducing me to his friends and we were meeting people for at least thirty minutes before my social batteries started to die and I crept off to a quiet place to recharge. I didn't realize that so many idols would be present.

Taehyung's POV:
Should I avoid her or say hi? She still hasn't seen me yet but I can see her very well from where I am standing and if she were to look up she would definitely spot me.
She looks so good tonight.
She's dressed in a pair of black off white cargo pants and a big black hoodie with a print of Bart Simpson dabbing and the word Saturday underneath it.The back of the hoodie has the words Not your business printed beneath a non smiling face of Bart Simpson. She has on a pair of black vans shoes.
She's a little Gothic. Everything about her screams,stay away from me,I'm not friendly. Yet at the same time she has this warmth about her that is quite inviting.

I haven't seen her since Thursday and I'm not sure where we stand now. This party was the last place I expected to run into her.
But here she is and I've missed her. She's seated cross-legged on a lounge couch picking at the ends of her sleeves.
Her hoodie is so big that the sleeves run beyond her hands and it's just so darn cute how she is playing with them. She looks like a kitten.

Really Tae,a kitten?
You just compared her to a kitten?
whatever it is I feel for this girl,man I have it bad.

I should just go say hi...yes...right after this drink.

I down a shot of soju and start my feet towards her but some guy beats me to it.
He motions to sit beside her and she let's him.
I quickly make a fast turn and head back to the open space kichen where I was.He is talking to her now and from her body language she seems to be bored.She occasionally smiles but from the little time I've spent with her I can tell she's only being polite. I'm glad she doesn't seem to be interested in the guy. Still he insists on conversing and it's bothering me a little,ok,a lot.

Someone taps me on my shoulder and I turn around to find Seo-yun, a good friend of mine.We catch up on a few things here and there and by the time  I turn back around, the lounge sofa is empty. I try darting my eyes around and fail to spot her,her and the guy who was seated next to her.

I'm beyond irritated by now.

        Random BTS fact:

In March 2016, BTS was listed by Forbes as the most retweeted artist.

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