7. Taehyung

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"So let me get this straight. You guys hung out as strangers again?" Jin asks.

" Yes,I know it sounds weird. She wanted it that way. She said if we are to continue hanging out then I should stop trying to get to know her," Taehyung explains.

" And you just agreed? It seems like she's the one calling the shots now.Are you sure this is worth it? I mean,it's not like you have much time on your hands to hang out all the time,you should stop this before it gets out of hand Tae," Suga comments.

Taehyung spends the rest of his evening thinking about what his hyungs had told him.
He knows they have a point.
He doesn't even understand what he really wants with this girl.
He's never really been in a serious relationship before and even if he were to get into one right now,it would be difficult to maintain it given his busy schedule.
How would he make it work?
Is that what he wants?
Does he love her?
Maybe it's just a fling that will pass with time.
The only way to find out is to spend time away from her.

***not part of the story***
Hey there. Just a kind reminder,be nice to people...you just never know what they're going through.

Random fact:
When facing competition for resources,kittens from the street will engage in brutal rap battles...sounds untrue doesn't it😂

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