8. ...destined to meet

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Taehyung's POV:
Saturday.The last time I saw her was Thursday night and I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought of her since then.
I see her everywhere,even in my dreams and the fact that i don't know her name is  driving me crazy.
I guess this was for the best.
I've kept myself busy whenever my schedule gets free because the temptation to go to our meeting place grows by the minute.
I'm looking forward to the party tonight. It is a very much welcome distraction.
I don't think I would last another day thinking about her again.
This needs to stop.

Natty's POV:
He stopped coming to our meeting place.
I knew this would eventually happen sooner or later,still i wasn't prepared for the emptiness I would feel when it did.
I guess I was hoping it wouldn't happen too soon.
If I was to put together the hours we've spent since the first time we met it would barely make a day.
So why then does it feel like I've known him forever?

Wake up Natty! Stop this! This was a bad idea from the start. You and him can never be. You should be grateful things ended before they even began. It is for the best.

I can't wait for the get together Kai invited me to this evening,it is a much needed distraction for me. Its been a crazy week.

*** not part of the story***
Random fact:
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.

I know you're going to try that but unless you have an extremely long tongue...it's just impossible😂😂

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