10...that's Suga for you

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Natty's POV:
I excused myself from the guy who came to sit next to me at the lounge because he was starting to get on my nerves. I had enough of socializing and me sitting alone in a quiet corner should have been an obvious indicator of that but the guy just wouldn't be quiet even for a second. So I told him I was going to the restroom but in truth I just wanted to get away from him. I don't know this place very well,it's a mansion with many rooms and the more I walk the more I think I'm getting lost. Bingo! A balcony.

Suga's POV:
I've been out here for an hour now, I think. This peace and quiet is exactly what I like.
No one to annoy me with questions or unnecessary conversations or small talks.
I'm seated on the left side of the balcony and the sliding glass doors leading to it are closed and the large midnight black curtains drawn,by me of course.
The balcony is pretty decent,a little too fancy for my liking.
It's quite spacious with large flower pots decorating its four corners. It has two nested cushioned swings that are large enough for about six or more people,one of which I'm seated on, alone.
The swings are at a good enough distance from the walls of the balcony to allow for just a little swinging and they are also plastered with plush and velvet decorative cushions.
On the two front corners opposite the sliding glass doors,there are foldable wooden chairs beside the flower pots,while on the two corners at the back,adjacent to the doors,there are bean bag seats,also beside the flower pots.
Everything just seems so symmetrical.The roof of the balcony completely covers the space such that light from outside barely gets in,which is a bummer because tonight the nightsky is starry.
However there is an ample string lighting that gives a pretty romantic atmosphere.
There are climbing plants on the railing and on the columns supporting the roof. More flowers hang out of small pots from the ceiling.
The railing only runs at the front and it stands at an elbow height,pretty high and safe. I like that on the sides,instead of railings,there are walls.
It feels safe like that.
I went from seating to lying,my legs stretched out in front of me,with my headphones on,and eyes shut.I'm not asleep though,just enjoying the sound of my own music,First Love to be precise.
Suddenly,I feel a soft crash on my shins and I open my eyes quickly. There,seated on my legs is a man wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the hood covering his head.He is buried in his phone and doesn't seem to realize he's seated on actual human legs. "Get off me man!" I shout.Nothing. He doesn't even budge.
So without putting another thought into it,I lift my legs up and send the man crashing into the vinyl floor,and I can't help but laugh...until he takes off his hood and I realize he isn't actually a he,but a she,and a beautiful she at that.

***not part of the story***
Random BTS fact:
BTS released 29 music videos and 22 singles in just 6 years from 2013 to 2018....pretty safe to say we have ourselves some legends.

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