Chapter 4: Morocco

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Royal Mansour Marrakech Resort, Morocco

A week had passed since the night I had sex with Matteo, and here I am a week later living with no regrets. As a matter of fact, we've spent every day together leading up to today since, and I've been in a euphoric bliss. Now, here I am in Morocco for work and I couldn't keep my mind off of him and it was distracting me from my work.

"Earth to Devina, this is Kennedy Spencer."

"It's very nice to meet you Kennedy." I say, snapping out of the mental space I was in.

"It's nice to meet you as well Mrs. Carlisle."

"Well,what we have planned for today is simple, fun and sexy. So put your best seductive face and let's get started."

I walked away to take a phone call while everyone else prepared Kennedy for the shoot. It was my lawyer with news on the divorce paperwork. The sooner we get this done, the better. I wanted out, I wanted to be done and away from that lying, cheating piece of shit. Since I had already stepped away from the shoot I decided to call Matteo and let him know things here were going smooth.

"Send me a photo of where you're staying, I'm sure it's stunning."

"I most certainly will. I can't wait to get back stateside so I can see your handsome face."

"I'm sure you'll see me soon enough. I've gotta get going but I'll video call you later this evening, ok?"

"That's fine, my new assistant is waving me down so I'll talk to you later this evening."

I hung up my call and walked back over to the edge of the pool and began helping direct Kennedy for her first shoot. I had a good feeling about this girl and I just know she's going to go far.

Five Hours Later

The shoot went better than expected and after we ended the shoot, we hung out at the hotel bar drinking and laughing. One of the stylists brought up Easton but I tried to change the conversation the best way I knew how; order more shots and deflect, deflect DEFLECT.

We spent a few hours at the bar and I made it to my room around 10:30pm, starving. Not realizing I haven't eaten since breakfast until my stomach gurgled at me, I called for room service, ran a bath for myself and soaked my aching bones with a little lavender and CBD oil.

The warm water was so relaxing and soothing, I began to fall asleep until there was a knock at the door. My stomach got excited and I looked at the time on my phone; perfect and right on time. I was practically starving and ordered a delicious looking, greasy burger and French fries.

"Just a minute!" I shouted as I stepped out of the tub and grabbed a robe from behind the bathroom door.

I walked to the villa door, opened it and to my surprise, my food was here but not delivered by room service. My emotions were jumping up and down from being surprised and happy. Matteo was standing at my door with the food cart and wearing the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Room service, you ordered the bacon and avocado burger and a side of Cajun seasoned fries?"

"Yes I most certainly did, I didn't know my server would be so handsome though. Please, come in."

I walked with a little switch in my hips and sat on the bed, seductively crossing my legs and pushing out my chest a little bit. Matteo brought the food cart in, placed it by the kitchenette wall and walked over to me, making complete eye contact with me.

"I thought I'd surprise you and let you know the good news."

"And what's that?"

"Everything is signed, sealed and official."

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