Chapter 7: The Games We Play Pt. 2

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I looked around me in disbelief and confusion, I had no clue what was happening. My mother died when Devin and I were eleven years old and our father when we were twenty-two. For them to be standing in front of me right now, caused fear to come over my body and I felt the warmth in my body dissipate.

"What in the hell is going on?"

"Well you're not in hell sweetheart, you're in limbo. But we're here to help you find your way back.".

"Baby girl, you're life right now is complicated." My father speaks up with a smile on his face

"Yea no shit dad, but why am I here?"

"Because you don't know what to do. But the choice you're faced with is an important one."

My mother walked up to me, placing both hands on my cheeks. I haven't felt her touch in so long, I began to cry. I missed my mother more than anything in this world and I would have given any and everything to have her back. She was the one I needed, especially with everything going on in my life; I needed her more than ever.

"Come sit, mija." She grabbed my hand and walked me over to black and white bench surrounded by grass and a water fountain that was beautifully designed.

"We know things are a little crazy in your life right now, but we've been giving a short amount of time to help you figure it out."

"What do you mean, figure it out?"

"Easton, Matteo and... well." She twitched her head and her eyes shot over to my father.

"Devina. Now that you have this information from Easton, it changed so much and your mind started pondering thoughts about your past with him."

I cringed at the thought that I would actually think about not leaving him. He kept this secret from me, lied to me from the moment we met and continuously cheated on me because of my best friend.

"But why? I would never be able to trust him again."

"Well, I can say that he's never lied or kept anything else from you. But the love he has for you is impeccable. One reason why he kept it from you was because you two struggled to have your own child, he didn't want to hurt you any more than you already were."

"I don't mean any disrespect mom, but I really don't care why he did it."

As I continue to think about everything he said, the more it hurts. And my heart was pulling further and further away from the love I felt for him. I don't doubt that he loved me, but our entire lives were built on a lie. I couldn't forget this and just move on with our together. I would resent him, hate him and it would be a waste of time trying to move passed this.

"Well you know what you want and how you're going to move forward. Just to forewarn you, this is how it's going to play out. You won't remember this, but your decision has been made. We love you Devina and we're proud of you and your brother."

"We are very proud of you and-" a loud deep bell sounded, interrupting her, "it's time for you to go home. One more thing: it's not long now until you become a mother."

My mouth opened slightly at her suggestion as I tried to speak, but nothing came out. And just like that they were both gone and I was left to seek out whatever it was to take me back to reality.

Meanwhile, from Devin's POV

Meanwhile, from Devin's POV

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