Chapter 5: Brotherly Love

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"Well the sooner I get this done the better. So please make sure it's taken care of. I'm so tired of waiting!" I say calmly and hang up my phone.

I walked around the kitchen island and sat down on the couch with my fresh coffee. I took a sip and my mind immediately went back to the conversation I had with my lawyer. I don't want this prolonged any longer, but Easton has been making this harder than this should be. I was quickly snapped out of the space my head was in when my phone rang and scared me half to death.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in."

"Yea well, you don't really make it easy to get ahold of you these days."

"Well you can blame that on your best friend in the whole wide world."

"Yea, well we definitely aren't friends anymore. What are you up to?"

"Drinking coffee and drowning out the silence with some banter on the tv. Are you on your way?"

"Yes I am, we just pulled away from the airport and I should be there in about twenty minutes"

"Ok, I'll be waiting."

After hanging up my one fiftieth phone call of the day, I decided to take a quick shower and reset my mind. I've been fairly stressed the last few days and I haven't been in the right place mentally. As I walked through my bedroom, I stopped and stared at the room I called mine, and decided it was time for a change. After today, I was going to have a place of my own that was no longer temporary. I turned the nozzle over to turn the hot after on, and placed myself into the shower and under the water.

'Relax, release, refresh' I repeat over and over in my head. The tension that coursed through my body was beginning to diminish. I started feeling refreshed and renewed, so I ended my shower so I could finish getting things in order around here. I quickly got dressed and threw on some leggings and a long sweater styled shirt, and not a second later, there was a hard knock at my door. I excitedly ran through my room, down the hall, into the living room to the front door and looked through the peephole and quickly opened the door.

"Hello baby sister!"

"Devin!" I said jumping into his arms.

"How are you you hermana?"

"I'm great now that my favorite brother is here. Come in, your room is at the end of the hall."

"I'm your only brother, Dev."

"All the more reason to be happy, I have a room set up for you down the hall."

Devin walked his things to his room, and I pulled out my laptop to pull up my companies list of recently finished and unsold homes. I'd like to believe after looking for thirty minutes while my brother showered, I finally found the perfect house that would fit my needs. I placed a few phone calls to get things rolling to purchase this house and my excitement was beaming as Devin stopped at the end of the hallway and leaned against the threshold.

"What's got you so happy?"

"I'm finally going to be out of here and into a brand new house."

"Well congratulations. However, there's a different reason to this happiness I'm seeing on your face."

I began to blush, knowing he was right but the fear of judgement overcame me, knowing how Devin felt about me needing to take time to find myself again. Although he was right, something about this thing me and Matteo had going was what I wanted. He isn't some sort of play thing for me to use until I'm over him. I was genuinely developing feelings for him and didn't want to let him go.

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