Chapter 10: More Secrets

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Ever since the day we had the so called "lunch" with Matteo's family, I've been feeling uneasy. I don't like confrontation nor do I like having ex's around that are full of drama. Matteo, like the amazing man he is, continuously reassure me he wants nothing to do with her. I'm not sure what happened between them in the past, but whatever it was, I just hope it would stay there. I had enough enough drama going on with my divorce almost becoming final and Easton verbally attacking me from different phone numbers and emails. I just wanted to be happy and move on with my life.

My phone started buzzing as I sat at my office desk staring off into oblivion. I had no desire to read whatever message it was. I've been contemplating if I wanted to unplug from the rest of the world lately, stress has been high and my doctor is concerned about the state I've been in as of late. Looking down at my phone, I rolled my eyes and began to feel a bit of anger and hurt. The nerve of some people and their boldness is actually quite offensive.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Well, good afternoon handsome."

Matteo surprised me at the office with my favorite flowers. I know he's trying his best to help relieve my stress, but it seems like he builds me up, and something happens and everything just topples over. Handling personal stress isn't my strongest ability, and I just want everything to be normal for once in my life.

"Hey, you alright love?" Matteo looked at me concerned.

"Yea, I'm just tired. And hungry."

My phone started buzzing again with another text message. My frustration was beginning to show as I stupidly responded. I knew I would regret this, but I guess this was something my heart wanted to do. Making decisions on emotion was another fault of mine; I had a terrible habit of acting on impulse and this was probably one of those times I would later regret it.

"Well, it's lunch time. Would you like to join me?

"I actually had plans for lunch today, but I do have a special dinner planned for tonight."

"Oh? What kind of special dinner?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

"Any special attire?"

"Hmm. The less clothes you wear, the better."

I stood up and Matteo looked at me lustfully, which made my ego a little bigger today. He was looking me up and down while biting his bottom lip. I returned a lustful look to him and in turn he adjusted himself in his chair. I'm fairly positive if he could, he would have bent me over my desk; I'm considering making my office a little more private.

"Dear god Devina. I don't know what it is about you being pregnant, but you look even more sexy right now."

"Calm down tiger. If I had time and privacy here, you could have your way with me. But... you're just going to have to wait until tonight."

"Come here." He says gently grabbing my hand and pulling me close to him. Matteo met his eyes with mine then gave me a gentle smile. A smile I felt burn through me that gave me butterflies. I felt a heated shudder throughout my entire body as he placed a kiss at my stomach. I looked don and ran my hands through his hair and he placed his hands on mine.

"You are so angelic. How did I get so lucky?"

"Right place, right time I guess." He began buttoning his suit jacket as he stood up, towering over me as I looked up and met his eyes. His beautiful brown skin, soft scruffy beard and glistening brown eyes were everything I didn't know I truly needed all these years. The love I was feeling was a different kind of love I've ever felt before.

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