Chapter 13: M.C.R

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Los Angeles, California

Panic! No, don't panic Devina. Breathe, everything is alright.

I awoke from my sleep in the middle of a panic attack. Another nightmare. Damn pregnancy dreams are weird and horrific. I sat at the edge of the bed and looked at the clock; it was four in the morning and I didn't even need to be up until seven-thirty. The single thing that sucked about being pregnant was the awful sleep patterns. One day I was sleeping soundly and the next I would wake up sweating from a hot dream or because of a panic attack. I looked over and Matteo was sleeping soundly. Thank god he doesn't snore.

A bath sounds really nice right about now, I don't care what time it is. I turned back around and leaned in to give Matteo a kiss, the smile on his face in his sleep gave me major butterflies. I've never felt a love like this and I finally feel at peace with my life. Everything has been perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything to be different.

I started to run my bath water, lit a few candles and I turned and watched as Matteo stirred in his sleep so I closed the door as to not disturb him. The way the water loosens up my tense muscles like it does is always a mystery. I rolled my neck over my shoulders as soon as I was comfortably positioned in the bathtub, the bubbles floating around me and I couldn't help but smile. My pregnant belly slightly sticking out of the water; less than four more weeks until we meet our son.

"Dev?!" Matteo calls from the bedroom.

"I'm taking a bath."

"Baby, are you ok?"

"I couldn't sleep so now I'm just taking a bath."

"Dev..." That long pause, I knew he knew what happened and I was just waiting for him to say it. The nightmares, when they started, weren't so bad. But they quickly became worse to the point I'd wake up screaming or crying. Matteo, he's done everything possible to comfort me, but he's made it known that he's concerned about me. He had every right to be seen as I've never really had nightmares until recently.

"Matteo I promise I'm fine."

"Was it a nightmare?" Do I want to concern him, or assure him I'm fine? Not that he'd believe me, but I hate that he's so stressed worrying for me.

"If I say yes, will you stay calm and go back to sleep?"

"You know I won't Devina."

"Then no, it wasn't. I simply wanted a bath."

I heard the bed creak and he sighed; the man has been overworked trying to get things in order for when he takes leave from work when the baby arrives. Speaking of the baby, we still haven't settled on a name. One minute we both agree on something we love, then the next it's not so appealing anymore. I began rubbing my belly and I could feel my baby moving about.

"Just a little while longer until mommy and daddy get to meet you." My stomach jumped and I let out a gentle chuckle.

"Is he moving around again?" I jumped, nearly sliding down into the bathtub.

"Jesus Matteo!"

"Careful, your head is ok?"

"Yes, I'm okay. I thought you went back to sleep?"

"No, I was listening to make sure you were ok. Then I heard you talking to the baby and I wanted to listen to your dulcet voice."

"You are so cheesy. Help me out?" I made in his hands and he lifted me from the bath and placed a kiss at my forehead at the same time. Something felt different about this kiss, it was softer, light like a plume.

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