Part 1

351 11 1

"I have a very specific skill set."

__Berlin, Germany

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Berlin, Germany

Where does one start? The better question is, how did he end up here. From being the USSR's most valued agent to a refugee of a lost cause. Sasha wondered these things as he sat in the hotel bath tub filled with ice to heal his bruises and strained muscles. He relaxed himself as the feeling of being cold simply faded away. As he sat in the bath tub, he was kept company with the blue dawn light that entered the bathroom. There was no need for lights, he'd only be wasting energy.

Minutes had passed in the tub, and he had enough of the freezing water before he'd begin to hurt himself. He got out from the tub sitting on the edge, immediately grabbing the first thing he had on the floor next to his tub, a bottle of Smirnoff vodka. Next to the vodka was a small glass cup with ice in it. He lifted the vodka opening it, and pouring a good amount into the glass.

He reached for the glass cup immediately taking a drink out of it knowing that his drink is what he deserves. It had been a long week for Sasha, and a very hard one. The question in mind still ran, where does he start with the story?

He got up from the edge walking towards the mirror, as the counter was set up with band aids and bottles of pain killers. He took a band aid wrapping it around his finger and then grabbed the bottle of pain killers, taking three of them as prescribed to him. He dry swallows them and then opens his drawer searching for more first aid equipment to heal himself up.

As he goes through the drawer he finds nothing but his cosmetics, until his hands run into a photograph. He pulls out the printed film and looks at it as he sees the last photograph of him and his Papa, Dimitri. The last remaining evidence of his past life. As Sasha stared at the photo, he began to remember the memory of when the photo was taken.

Sasha was 16 years old dancing at The Bolshoi. It was his debut performance on the live stage in front of hundreds of powerful men in the USSR. Sasha was the top of his class, and he had proven it. The Bolshoi was a disguise for Sasha, as he had to seduce one of the business men that threatened Stalin's power and reputation. Sasha's mission was to seduce the business man into having sexual relations with him and expose him for pedophilia and homosexual behavior. Sasha had put the business man in prison, taking him away from his family.

He grabbed a lighter from the same drawer, and began to burn the photograph of his Papa and him as his past must die. He is no longer what the USSR made him to be. He is owned by no one now. He is no one. Nothing but a former Black Wolf. The photograph catches on fire and he watches it burn, throwing it on the sink letting it burn completely.

He reaches for a switch by the mirror, turning on the mirror vanity light to reveal all the bruises and small cuts on his face. Sasha stares at himself in the mirror looking at his qualities that make him stand out. Sasha is a tall, handsome, athletic build, long platinum blonde hair that falls on to his shoulders, bright green eyes, with a wide jaw and high cheekbones. Sasha is the perfect USSR creation. Sasha is everything a man should be, and everything that someone wants.

Sasha sweeps his hand over his jaw and chin feeling his facial hair grow in and he lets it. Sasha was a clean cut person, but he needs to change his identity. Sasha digs through the cosmetic drawer again, pulling out a box of dark brown hair dye, a pair of hazel eye contacts, and hair cutting scissors. Sasha needs to become invisible, and so he does.

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