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Sasha had spent the rest of his time watching the front of the pool bar as he hid in a black car waiting for the American to walk out. The pairing of the phones worked as expected, and Sasha began to dig through all the intel on the American's phone hoping for something. As he went through the burner phone, there was nothing on it. No history of previous calls, it was simply a blank burner phone.

Sasha sighed throwing his phone on the passenger seat. He waited a bit more for the American to walk out and he did just that. He stared at the door seeing loads of Soviet soldiers walking out and then the American agent sneaking out with the crowd from behind. The Agent was smart, he was hiding from surveillance. The agent took an alleyway and took out his phone. Sasha grabbed on to his phone seeing the agent was taking directions from the Google maps app to a specific hotel and Sasha began the drive there in hopes to meet him before he arrived there.

Sasha pulled up to the hotel, seeing that the agent had already gotten there before him. The American walked into the elevator disappearing into whatever floor he was in. Sasha walked inside and immediately headed to the front desk. The front desk boy looked up at Sasha as a customer, greeting him and asking him for his reservations.

"What room is the American in?" Sasha asked bluntly and the front desk man tilted his head confused by his question.

"Excuse me?"

"The man that recently came in, what room is he in?" Sasha repeated himself and the front desk boy hesitated.

"I can't give out that information." The front desk responded to him. Sasha became frustrated and looked around the empty lobby for any eyes or cameras, spotting none. "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." The front desk man leaned on the counter directing Sasha to the door, and Sasha quickly grabbed on to the front desk man's hair and slammed him on the counter.

"Last time I'm asking." Sasha repeated himself getting annoyed, but holding his calm as he remained serene on the outside. Remaining serene, made him unpredictable. The desk boy gave away the information to Sasha and begged for his life to him. Sasha threw the desk boy back, and he fell to the ground being scared of Sasha.

"See? That wasn't so hard." Sasha mocked the desk boy, leaving the hotel and standing on the sidewalk looking across the street. He spotted a rundown hotel, and looked up to calculate which room he wanted exactly that would face the American's room.


Sasha sets his equipment up in the hotel room as he spies on the American watching TV. Sasha takes photos of the American with a DSLR camera and immediately uploads them to his computer. Sasha listens through the American's phone, hearing the American hum a tone of a popular hip pop song.

Sasha spends almost a complete hour watching the American through his window, snacking on crappy room service dining. Nothing exciting happens and it bores Sasha to death. Sasha sits on a chair, arms crossed waiting for the American to do something ordinary. As more time passes, he begins to get drowsy, growing sleepy of the long night.

Sasha's eyes begin to get heavy, and he drifts off but tries hard to keep himself awake. He shakes his head frustrated with himself and looks at the clock seeing it's close to one in the morning. "Hello?" Sasha hears the American's voice echo through his phone. Sasha quickly jumps to his phone to see that the American is on a call with an unknown number.

Sasha listens in closely, as Slade does too and they both listen closely hearing the sound of a distorted voice breathing heavily over the phone. "What do I call you?" Slade asks as Sasha watches Slade move around the hotel room, and sees him look out the window and closes the curtains quickly.

"ROOT." The distorted voice says as it sounds robotic, almost like a bunch of different radio channels are being used to communicate. The call begins to give out letters in the NATO phonetic alphabet. Sasha listens closely as it's a park near the hotel, only a couple blocks down.

The call hangs up with nothing else and Sasha quickly grabs on to his coat, getting ready to find the traitor who goes by Root. Sasha leaves the hotel, seeing Slade do the exact same, and Sasha follows from behind keeping a safe distance from the American. As Sasha follows, he keeps a hold of his syringe filled with poison in case things go south.

Slade walks around the city, taking a longer route knowing it's a safer route to the park. He could've walked down the 3 blocks and turned right, but something felt off for him. He had felt a strange presence watching him in the hotel room, but nothing turned up. As he continues to walk, he walks down into a tunnel still feeling the presence of someone on to him and he trusts his gut.

Slade stops and quickly turns around to find nobody behind him. He panics a little, as he's becoming delusional and if he's caught being suspicious, he will be compromised. Slade turns back around, walking back on the specific path to the park to meet with the mole.

When Slade arrives he finds nobody at the park as its 1 in the morning. Nobody would be caught dead at the park at this time, especially on a weekday. Neither in this part of the city. Slade walks around the park pretending like he's on a stroll while keeping an eye out on for this Root identity. Slade had no idea who to look for, there wasn't a specific person and it could be anyone or anything. For all he know, this could've been a set up.

Slade grew nervous continuing to look behind his shoulder knowing that this could be a set up, hell even an ambush. Slade continued to walk on the path, circling around the park one more time before he could decide to leave. As he walked on the path once more, an older man approached him, the only other person in the park.

The older man stopped, standing about 10 feet away from Slade, as the man hid in the shadows. He appeared short, which made Slade guess that he was older, and his posture and choice of clothing that he could see were of a wealthier man. A mole in the Kremlin? Slade held in his patriotic scoff before he ruined the moment.

"Root?" Slade spoke up, disturbing the silence in the park. Slade approached the man and as he did, the man pulled out a vanilla folder. The man handed Slade the folder which must've contained something important for this person to betray his own country. Slade grabbed on to the folder taking a good look at the man's face to only recognize one of the men of power in the Kremlin. "We'll protect you." Slade responded to the silent man and the man did not respond back, and simply stared at Slade blankly. It made Slade uncomfortable and the man turned away, walking back the same path he came from.

Slade gave no other attention to the mole, knowing that he has what he needs. Slade stuffed the folder into his coat, and looked around for any eyes that could've been watching but spots no one. Slade makes a return to the hotel, leaving the park.

As the mole leaves the park, a strong dominant presence is felt from behind and the mole stops. The mole turns around to see the tall platinum blonde standing only inches away from him, and Sasha quickly injects a tranquilizer into the mole's neck. The mole backs away trying to flee, but grows weak and tired not being able to control his balance. Sasha watches being entertained by his victim and slowly walks towards the mole as the mole falls to the ground.

"When a victim lands on a spider's web, it struggles to flee. It finds every way possible to find an escape. They fall prey to the spider, and the spider watches its prey attempt to escape before the spider decides to consume their prey. I could do the same. I'd very much like to." Sasha spoke in a slow tone torturing the mole's ears as he knew his voice would echo. It was one of the symptoms of the venom he injected, and Sasha watched the mole fall prey to him as the mole blacked out. "But I need answers... and I wouldn't want to ruin this nice coat either."

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