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Dimitri walked up to the rooftop of the hotel that Sasha and him had been staying at for the last 3 days. Sasha sat on a lawn chair smoking a cigarette and poured himself a glass of vodka. Dimitri sat in the lawn chair next to him, joining in on the occasion of their freedom. Sasha poured a separate glass of vodka for his father and his father began to drink it.

Dimitri looked at his new disguised son. His hair was back to his dark brown color opposed to his genetically modified platinum blonde. His skin was more tanned due to the self tanner Sasha had done prior. His style of clothing was similar, but still different. Sasha's eyes were a hazel instead of his green. Dimitri knew what this meant for Sasha, and he wanted to spend the last moments that he could with his son before he probably would never see him again.

Sasha and Dimitri saw the people of Germany stand on both sides of the walls as they began to pick at it and destroy it. So many years of separation, and the country was ready to be united again, Sasha just didn't know if it was for the good or for the worse.

"He'd be proud of you right now Sasha." Dimitri spoke about Stalin as he was right. Sasha kept quiet as it was hurting him inside to spend these last moments with his father before he began his life on the run.

The war was finally over but not the way they had expected it to end. They both had thought different things that The USSR would win, and take over the world creating a global nation. It wasn't anything like this. They didn't lose the war, in Sasha and Dimitri's vision they had won. They had saved their people from the destruction that Khrushchev would've done.

"Didn't I do well?" Sasha spoke pridefully of himself and Dimitri smiled. They both looked at the Berlin Wall collapsing slowly, as it was beginning to crack. Dimitri and Sasha's identity of being Soviet patriots were soon to be erased from existence. They would be lost now, without any identity, and any reason to live neither to fight.

Dimitri looked at his son not wanting to regret anything before Sasha would have to leave. "Sasha... I'm sorry." Dimitri apologized revealing his deepest regret to Sasha. "I never meant to put you through the things that you went through. If I had known that the child I found at the docks would be the son I never knew I needed, I wouldn't have done the things I did." Dimitri apologized sincerely to his son and Sasha looked at him with a small smile.

"Don't be sorry Papa." Sasha responded back denying the apology. If it wasn't for any of this, Sasha wouldn't have been the person he was today. "I'm proud to be the person I am today. If you hadn't put me through The Black Wolves, all of Russia would be nothing but ashes and bones." Sasha stood up from the lawn chair and Dimitri did so too. Sasha hugged his father tightly as they both watched the last moments of the wall's life.

"So what's next?" Dimitri asked Sasha the burning question. They both watched the wall collapse and then the last USSR flag was rolled down. Many of Soviet Russia would wonder the same. Nobody knew what would come next. War? Peace? Whatever it was, all of the world began to celebrate the union.

"We move on." Sasha responded to his father. It was the only way of survival. Sasha let go of his father and grabbed his bag from the lawn chair knowing he had to find himself. Dimitri grabbed on to his son's hand one last time and pulled him in for a hug knowing that he'd never see him again.

"You stay safe out there my Black Wolf. Never forget where you came from." Dimitri began to cry to his son as they both pressed their heads against each other. Sasha began to cry a little bit feeling his humanity once again. "I love you, you will always have a home to come back to." Dimitri held on to Sasha for dear life not wanting to let go of his son.

"I love you Papa." Sasha responded back as he lifted his father's hands off of him. Sasha took a last look at his father and walked away disappearing from the rooftop.

Dimitri didn't fight the idea of his son leaving. Every bird has to leave the nest at some point, and this was that point for him. It was something he knew that his son had to do to find his true self. It was a journey and an adventure that he knew he couldn't take on with Sasha. For Dimitri, it was time to rest, to put the gun down and take a real shot at a normal life and hopefully start a family.

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