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The mole wakes up, and as he opens his eyes his vision is covered by a thick black sheet over his face. The mole tries to spread his arms apart, or even move but he finds himself tied down to what feels like a chair. The mole, confused as ever panics not knowing where he is or what is happening. The mole begins to groan loudly and screams for help knowing someone must be able to hear him. His sheet is ripped off from his head and he sighs knowing it must be his savior.

"Scream all you want." Sasha mocked the mole as he walked around the mole, then standing in front of him. "This room is sound proof, even someone like me won't be heard." Sasha confessed to the mole as he lightly felt the scar on his throat where his vocal cords are.

"Where am I?" The man spoke scared and confused as he was what appeared to be in a cell underground. It was cold, wet, and stuffy. There were dim warm toned lights attached to all sides of the wall that made the room feel a bit warm.

"Nowhere." Sasha responded like a smart ass as if he would ever tell him. Sasha placed a tripod with a film camera attached to it and turned it on. The red light turned on signaling that it was recording and Sasha looked back at the mole.

"Tell me, what were you doing at the park last night."

"What are you talking about? What park?" The man wasn't lying, and Sasha could tell. Sasha became confused and tilted his head.

"The park where you handed confidential information to an American spy." Sasha repeats himself to try and maybe jog the memory of the man but the man seems clueless. Sasha believes that the man might be trying to fool Sasha but Sasha knows his way around the human brain, he knows how to bring the truth out... with pain. "Fine." Sasha sighs and then walks towards a table with all his toys of torture laid out.

"Please don't hurt me!" The man shouts and Sasha ignores it like he was trained to. "I'm telling the truth! I don't know what you're talking about!" Sasha grabs on to his taser getting ready to shock him. The man tries to move himself away and Sasha turns it on to put some fear into him knowing this is torture for the man himself. He is no soldier, so he'll speak without any pain. "Please! I beg you! I only remember waking up here, and before that I was confronted by a woman!" The man shouted loudly and Sasha paused wanting to know more.

"What woman?" Sasha asked, raising his tone to intimidate himself over the man. The man didn't speak, and Sasha pressed the taser against the man's neck and shocked him. The man screamed as Sasha wasn't playing anymore. "What woman!?" Sasha shouted and the man panted loudly, trying to catch his breath.

"She was a tall blonde. One of us. She confronted me at the Kremlin yesterday morning. Blew some dust at my face. After that, I don't remember anything else but being here! You have to believe me!" The man shouts and Sasha looks at the camera knowing he has enough evidence to figure out who was capable of doing such a thing.

What this mystery blonde had used wasn't dust. It was devil's breath, common to be blown into people's faces. Once inhaled or ingested, the victim becomes a zombie and follows whatever commands given out. It's popular in use in Southern American countries where the plant is able to flourish, but in Moscow? Definitely not.

There's only one place in Moscow, and in fact Russia that Sasha knew where someone could get ahold of fresh Devil's breath. Whoever it was, wasn't a stranger to the use of Devil's breath, neither a KGB agent or a government worker in the Kremlin. It was someone with a similar skillset and resource as Sasha. Perhaps another Black Wolf agent.

"Let me go! I won't tell anyone, please. I have a family, I have a son and two daughters!" The man begs Sasha and Sasha turns the camera off as he continues to hear the man beg for his life.

Sasha gets exhausted debating on what to do with this man. He could leave him here in the cell, starve him to death or let him die of dehydration. Turn him in to the state and let them handle his case. Either way he'd end up dead. The state would make him suffer a long painful death for his actions.

As much of a monster Sasha was, deep down he had some humanity left in him. Letting him free into the world would be injustice. He wasn't going to let some innocent man go to a prison and be tortured for days on end, and he definitely wasn't going to treat him like one of his targets. Sasha stares at the man as the man begins to cry, feeling no guilt and no remorse for him. Sasha knew what had to be done in order to keep everything under control.

"I had a family once." Sasha spoke in a soothing voice standing in front of the man. "Let me tell you a secret." Sasha then walked towards the side of the man, getting close to his ear. Sasha sucked in a deep breath, and then screamed. "AAAAAAAAAAAIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." Sasha screamed a high sonic frequency into the man's ear shattering the man's ear drums, collapsing his skull and in result, leaving the man dead. The lights in the abandoned bunker began to flicker and then paused as Sasha finished with his scream.

Sasha backed away from the man seeing a pale grey dead corpse sitting on a chair. Sasha looked at his master piece and walked away, grabbing the camera with his evidence to turn in to his leader.

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