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Sasha sleeps throughout the entire flight from Sweden to Moscow. He's retrieved the program as he holds on to it with his life not trusting anybody else in the plane with the program in their hands. He's been backed up with Soviet soldiers that have worked closely with Black Wolves in the past, but Sasha still can't be too naive. And so he keeps himself alert, hearing every conversation had between the soldiers while he sleeps.

Sasha begins to dream. A dark dream that involves water and he hears the waves crash. He hears the sounds of boats blowing their horns. Seagulls squeaking. Not a dream, but a memory. A memory that Sasha knows too well.

The private jet lands on Soviet land after flying directly from Sweden. Sasha wakes up to the sound of the plane crashing on to the surface, and the jet taxis to a private area of the Moscow Airport where millions fly in and out of the Soviet state to travel to other Soviet states for family, business or vacation.

The jet door opens and as it opens, the tall platinum blonde man walks out wearing all black with a giant warm black coat covering his body that is armed with weapons. He covers his platinum blonde hair with a Soviet ushanka and walks down the steps as a black SUV drives toward Sasha and parks.

As Sasha walks down the steps, he carries the black brief case holding on to the world's most powerful program. Sasha was told about a car waiting for him at the airport to take him to Moscow but he didn't expect the person who was driving it to take him.

An older man gets out of the car driver seat of the SUV and stands waiting for Sasha's arrival. The older man wears the green Soviet uniform as he's a high ranking gentleman. He's basically invincible in the Soviet Union. He's a man that many fear, and highly respect.

"Papa." Sasha said with small joy in his voice as he walked towards his father. They hugged each other, as it's been awhile since they've last seen each other. Seeing his father, Dimitri, was always comforting to Sasha. Dimitri basically rescued Sasha, and gave Sasha this life.

"My son." Dimitri spoke in joy as he holds on to his adopted son. Sasha isn't Dimitri's son by blood, but he loved him like he was. Sasha was all that Dimitri had in his life, along with fighting with The Soviet Union.

They both entered into the SUV and Dimitri began driving out of the airport, en route to the Kremlin. "The mission?" Dimitri asked wanting to know how Sasha's work went in Sweden.

"Time consuming." Sasha responded ending the conversation at where it started.

"You did good Sasha." Dimitri cheers Sasha on and he's doing the thing the Black Wolf program hated the most. All the children were experiments, and only experiments. The children were expendable, just orphans with no family and nowhere to go to.

"You know they don't like it when you call me that." Sasha reminds Dimitri as his habit of calling Sasha by his name that Dimitri gave him, has costed Sasha and Dimitri consequences. The scientist hated it because it gave Dimitri feelings and ownership over the expendable orphan. Giving the orphan a name would mean they would have an identity, and they would be more human.

"I'm supposed to call my own son Agent 10?" Dimitri teased Sasha and Sasha shaked his head looking out the window with a scoff. "... You're my son. Blood or not. You're special, stronger than the others." Dimitri was right about that, Sasha was the top of his class and he proved that with every test and mission preparation the Black Wolf mentors put him through. He was unbreakable.

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