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Sasha stood in his shower, letting the hot water run on his body, and the steam rise from him. He breathed, hearing the noise of the shower run and the water hit the floor. As the water hits the floor, he watches the water go down into the drain feeling numb. A mixture of blood and water sinks into the drain and he watches it closely, daydreaming away. Except this wasn't a daydream, it was once more a memory he knew too well.

It was 20 years ago when this memory had happened. A child born on American soil, Starling City to be specific. The child was born during a complicated time for the family he was born into. The Lance family had gotten into trouble with a mafia family, who requested that they would adopt their newborn child to pay off their debt. The Lance family knew what the mafia family would make their child into, and to save their child from that life, they chose to fake the death of the child and to abandon him at the pier.

The child, known at the time as Drake Lance, was left at the pier for hours in the cold winter of January only being a couple of hours born. The newborn had suffered immense trauma and almost froze to complete death. The child cried, and cried on end to only attract his savior, Dimitri. Dimitri had found the newborn child, and adopted him as his own child.

Sasha turned the shower off, and grasped on to his towel. Sometimes Sasha had wished the newborn had died that night at the pier. Other times he's grateful for the life he was given by his motherland. For whatever it mattered, Sasha had avenged the life of Drake Lance years ago. As a Black Wolf, a part of your past life had to be erased. Sasha was given a target, a man with two daughters. He had eliminated the man in a framed fatal car crash, taking the life of Quentin Lance. Sasha envied many times that he could've had a normal shot at a normal life if he was born into the right family. He inspired to have a boring life, and go on holidays and university like many of his age.

Sasha dried himself down completely, and got dressed immediately in all black. Today he was to meet with Stalin to show the evidence of the mole he had captured along with a small piece of a big puzzle.


The video recorded by Sasha had stopped playing in Stalin's office. Stalin's curtains in his office were all closed, making it dark in the room to see the video projected on the screen. Dimitri and Sasha were the only other eyes that were to see this evidence.

Sasha had knew where to look next, he just needed approval from Stalin. Stalin sighed loudly in frustration knowing the exact meaning of what the puppet of the mole had revealed in the tape. Sasha and Dimitri sat next to each other, comfortable and professional waiting for their next commands.

Stalin threw a small fit, wanting to get rid of this Root. They could be giving out details of anything to the Americans. The USSR wasn't as mysterious and unpredictable once more because of this traitor.

"десять / 10." Stalin called for Sasha's attention. "You know that you and General Romanov are two of my most trusted allies of all of the Soviet Union." Stalin stood in front of them, starring at them both with pride knowing that they're both committed to protecting and fighting for the motherland. "You both remind me of why I lead the Soviet Union, but we are heading into dark times. The Americans are getting smarter, and we are getting more foolish."

"Everyone wants to rule the world." Sasha spoke up, interrupting Stalin's speech but revealing the truth of what this Root's motives are. Dimitri grew nervous of Sasha for speaking without action, but Sasha was bold and precise. Stalin looked towards Sasha, as Sasha was the only man in all of The Soviet Union that Stalin couldn't see through.

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