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A file slaps down in front of Agent Slade Wilson on the table. "What do we know?" Slade asks as he grabs the file and looking back at the CIA Director, his boss. The Director turns off the lights in the meeting room as it's just them two, and turns on the screen showing the photo of a Swedish scientist.

"7 hours ago we were supposed to pick up a program called the 'Nuclear Golf' from a scientist in Sweden..." The Director presses on a button changing the photo to a photo of the dead scientist. "... Until we found this instead." Slade looks at The Director confused and begins to investigate the photo as he goes through the file.

"Looks like the work of a Black Wolf." Slade speaks up and he's correct about that. Black Wolves are notorious for killing their victims with spider venom, especially leaving a black widow spider next to the victim. The idea is to frame the victim of an accidental death.

"You did your homework." The Director says impressed by Slade and Slade has followed the leads about them. Years on years, he gathered information on The Soviet's greatest creations, but all the leads to find who these spies were went cold. They're hard to track, almost impossible to figure out who and where they really are. In reality, they're just ghosts. "Anyone would know that they're only a rumor in the spy agencies. A Soviet myth. Just like the boogie monster." 

The Black Wolves was rumored to be a school-program that consisted of 10 orphans who were raised and trained to be the world's most notorious and ruthless agents. They're trained in sexpionage, espionage, infiltration, exfiltration, and assassination. They're capable of bringing down entire countries and governments overnight. Rumors have it that the orphans were tested on by scientists, giving the 10 agents their own individual talent making these agents Super-Spies. The Black Wolves have been credited with dozens of assassinations with their unique Black Widow venom kill. 

"Supposedly." Slade corrects his Director and his Director chuckles as he still doesn't believe. Its hard to believe something without any evidence. "And the program? Did you retrieve it?" Slade asks as he knows this device is dangerous in the wrong hands.

The Nuclear Golf program was created by a Swedish scientist Oliver Nilsson. The Nuclear Golf program was made so that the person using it, could control all the nuclear weapons on this Earth. The Americans want it before it gets in the wrong hands, especially to the Soviets which I'm sure they'll want too if a Black Wolf targeted Oliver Nilsson. 

"The program wasn't in his apartment when we searched and neither at his lab." The Director breaks the news but then switches moods. "There's a mole in the KGB who's been sourcing us with valuable intel about the Soviet Union and possible attack plans. I want you Agent Wilson to head into Moscow undercover and make sure that the mole stays safe and find out if they have the Nuclear Golf. If so, I want you to retrieve it and bring it back here." 

"Yes sir." Slade says taking his file and getting up from the chair taking the command of his boss. Being sent to Moscow undercover is a dangerous mission for anyone. It's a mission that requires someone who's good at playing a disguise and hiding like Slade. Slade has spied for the CIA for years now, it's his life to protect his country and fight against those who threaten his freedom. 

On Earth-2, The Communistic USSR is not the same as Earth-1. The Communistic society of  the USSR believes in Peace and equality for all with violence to those who oppose the laws. The people of the USSR in this Earth love the way they live their lifestyle as they're all financially stable and have no bad things to say. The economy thrives and nobody has one single complaint about the way things are handled. 

The way the U.S.A. lives in Earth-2 is the complete opposite. The U.S.A. is corrupt with leaders who steal from the poor, and enrich themselves in the end. They break the laws and pay law enforcers to hide the documentation. The poverty population tends to rise, from the economy collapsing after the war. U.S.A. put so much money into their military to end World War 2 that they had forgotten their own people. Many people can't find a job, because there are no jobs available for anyone. 

The USA wants to destroy The USSR and collapse it so that the American economy can rise back up again. With the way that the USSR is handling themselves, they won't collapse for centuries to come. 

Agent Slade Wilson, is indeed fighting for a lost cause. 

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