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"Are you okay (Y/N)? Can you walk by yourself?": Taeil asked me worriedly while walking beside me, opening his arms to catch me if I fall.

"I'm fine Mr. Moon, don't worry.": I smile at him.

"Oh there is no need to be so formal with me, just call me Taeil.": he waved his hand slightly while smiling embarrassingly.

"Wait......how did you know my name?": he asked, surprised that I knew his name.

"I was there when you talked to Taeyong hyung and I also saw your full name on your ID card when you were booking the tickets in the office.": I explained to him.

"Oh wow, I guess being an assassin is sure very observant huh? Ahahaha......" he scratched the back of his neck.

"Of course, the role of an assassin in that game sure is hard to play, I still couldn't believe that I made it past the last stage.": I told him when I saw Yuta passing by, looking at me.

"Huh? What?": he looked confused at what I was talking about.

I waited until the distance between us and Yuta was far away so he couldn't hear our conversation and said to Taeil hyung:

"Hyung, please avoid speaking out my identity out in public, if someone unwanted were to find out, I don't think it will be good for any of us.": I told him in a serious tone.

He gulped before speaking up, shuttering:"Oh right......o-of course."

"I apologize for my tone and thank you for understanding.": I smiled at him while we walked.

"Oh no no, it's okay, it was my bad for saying it out loud.": he said.

"Is Taeyong hyung asking for me?": I asked him curiously while we got out of the building, now with the bright sunlight shining above us.

"Ah yes, he told me he wanted to take you home.": he told me.

"Wh-wha-what? Why is he tak-": my sentence was cut off by Taeil hyung.

"Ah, there he is!": he said while looking at Taeyong hyung who was walking towards us.

"(Y/N), can you hand me the keys for the bike?": he told me and took his hand out.

"Oh su-sure......": I shuttered at my words while looking at him, getting a flashback of yesterday.

     I dug my hand into my pocket and took the keys out, handing it back to him while he told Taeil hyung to ride the motorbike back to the office and handed the keys to him, getting a nod from Taeil hyung before he walked across the busy road to get the bike, waving his hand to say goodbye to us before riding off.

     I was feeling slightly dizzy as the hot sun was burning my skin, making me sweat as I squinted my eyes due to the brightness and also due to the my vision getting blurry, getting more blurred as the time went by standing under the scorching sun.

"Let's go......": he said while looking at me as I wasn't paying attention.

"Ri-right......": I snapped out of it before taking the first step but my legs decided to give up on me, going limp and making me fall to the ground but he caught me just in time before my face hits the ground.

He sighed before saying:" Why did you still go to school even in this condition......"

"Sor-sorry......Huh? Wha- wait, what are you- hyung! I can walk!": I squeaked as one of his hand went to my back while the other slid behind my legs, carrying me up bridal style.

"Nope, you can't so just shut your mouth and let me carry you.": he said in a cold tone while walking towards the car.

     I used my hand to cover up my flustered dace as I felt my ears burning up, feeling really embarrassed when my body was pressed against chest, feeling warmth against my body.

     After what felt like ages, we finally reached the car while getting some stares by some people who walked passed us, looking at us with weird faces. He managed to open the passengers side door while still carrying me in his arms and gently placed me in the seat before shutting the door and went around the car, getting into the drivers seat, starting the engine up before driving us back home. 

Time Skip:

     He parked the car back into the garage before hopping off as I did the same but he did the same thing again, forcing me to stay still while he carried me in his arms, walking into the living room and went up the stairs, carrying me into my own bedroom. Carefully placing me on the bed, he sat beside me while looking at me with eyes full of guilt and pain.

3 Person P.O.V:

"Don't you need to get back to work?": (Y/N) asked him, trying to break the tension in the room.

"No......I'm the boss of the company so I can leave whenever I want.": Taeyong shrugged his shoulders while telling him.

"Oh...... of course.": (Y/N) responded.

"Listen......I know that you thought that I forgot about yesterday cause I was damn drunk but......I recalled everything since this morning and......ugh I don't even know why I would do that to you.: he told (Y/N), frustrated of himself.

     (Y/N)'s grey eyes went wide, mouth slightly gaping open as he was shocked that Taeyong remembered everything, even what he did to him. He thought that if Taeyong was that drunk and hungover, he wouldn't even recall that slightest thing that happened yesterday but he was wrong. He felt shocked, scared and embarrassed at the same time, he wanted to hop out from the bed and open the window to jump out and run away from everything but he couldn't.

"Why...... why can't you just forget about everything......if you didn't remember...... you wouldn't know how disgusting it is to use me...... and everything will just be normal......": (Y/N) whispered under his breath as hot tears were welling up in his eyes while he sat up from the bed, tears now dripping onto his hands.

"But I didn't regret remembering everything, you were always there when I needed you, even at times like that, you were willing to even betray yourself just to help me, and i'm really thankful for that......thank you......": Taeyong told (Y/N) truthfully.

"D-do yo-you really *sniff sniff* mea-mean th-that?": (Y/N) raised his head to look at Taeyong with red puffy eyes and tears still streaming down his red cheeks.

"Yes (Y/N)...... I really mean it.": Taeyong ruffled (Y/N)'s hair while giving him a warm smile.

      Taeyong slowly leaned forward towards him and hugged (Y/N) tightly, gently placing his head on his soft hair, inhaling his scent before gently pushing (Y/N) down back onto the bed, laying beside him while still holding him firmly, trying to stop (Y/N) from crying. After a little while, (Y/N) finally got used to Taeyong's warm embrace and moved closer towards him, burying his face into Taeyong's warm chest, letting his tears soak into his shirt and stopped crying after a while, falling asleep peacefully as Taeyong admired the boy's facial features, soon falling asleep while still hugging him in his arms.

Writers note:

This is an extra chapter story because my stupid self didn't upload one on Friday so i'm really sorry about that. Anyways, enjoy this chapter too! Thank you for reading and supporting me!

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