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A Few Days Later
Taeyong's P.O.V:
Its been almost a week since I had left my bodyguard at home and have been having meetings every single day that took half of the day and its sure as hell boring. This day is the final day that we needed to attend this meeting and to be honest, my worry for (Y/N) is starting to get worse as the days go by, I mean, what if some gangs broke in thinking that I was at home? Then (Y/N) would be in trouble, I know he can protect himself just fine but still, my fathers enemies which is now my enemies are all very deadly and dangerous. They never hesitated to kill anyone who goes in their way and they won't stop until they have finally eliminated me. But for now, all I can do now is hope that nothing happens and also believe in (Y/N) that he can deal with whoever it is that tries to hurt him. I know I should believe in him but I have a feeling that something was wrong.

3rd Person P.O.V:
Taeyong is currently sitting in the meeting room wearing his suit and tie and was waiting quite impatiently as he crossed his arms and sat slightly slugged on the swivel chair, waiting for this last meeting to be over so that he can get the hell out of here and head back to Korea.

A few more minutes had past by rather quite slowly for Taeyong as the last person to present their part of the project had finally finished and it was finally over. Taeyong huffed out a puff of relieve and was about to get out from his seat but sat back down when the headman of this company stood up from the swivel chair that was at the end of the rectangular table.

He stood up and adjusted his tie, clearing his throat before speaking up. "Alright, on behalf of my company, I thank you all for attending these meetings and hope that everything in your company goes well.": he wished them before bowing.

After that, everyone in the room stood up and went out the door and Taeyong too followed suit and grabbed his things on the table before walking out the door. The moment he stepped foot outside, Jaohnny was already outside the door, leaning against the wall as he had already stood there since the meeting started and it was also his responsibility now because he came here as Taeyong's bodyguard.

"Ready to head back home Sir?": he smiled cheekily as he asked.

"Ugh, c'mon really Johnny? We've been friends for years and you're calling me Sir?!": Taeyong rolled his eyes at the bodyguard before walking off but was followed by the bodyguard.

"I'm just kidding Tae, don't be mad.": Johnny chuckled when his friend pouted.

"I'm so going to kill you if you call me by that name again.": he glared at Johnny while loosening his tie around his neck.

"Oh really now?": the taller male grabbed the shorter by the chin and winked at his before walking towards the car in the basement the moment the elevator door opened.

"What the actual hell man?! Stop being such a flirty bastard!": Taeyong was fuming and chased after his bodyguard.

Once they were in the car, they immediately drove to a restaurant and ate an evening meal. They were quick to finish their meals so they decided to head to the airport to wait for their flight back home since it was only an hour away and they wouldn't want to miss their flight home.

They arrived at the airport half and hour before the flight took off so they decided to take a seat at the waiting station to wait. Taeyong sat there for a few minutes beside Johnny and felt a bit tired, he tried to brush the tiredness off by blinking but he seemed to get more tired the more he blinked and before he knew it, his eyelids were too heavy and he soon feel asleep. His head laying on something comfortable which was Johnny's broad shoulders, the taller didn't seemed to be bothered by the shorter's actions and continued to swipe through his phone. People around them cooed at them and their actions, thinking that their a couple.

"Dear passengers who have the flight back to Korea, Seoul from Los Angeles has changed due to the heavy rain that is occurring. We're sorry for the inconvenience and we expect to depart at 9:35 p.m. We appreciate your patients and understanding and hope to see you again.": the announcement rang throughout the airport and Taeyong was frustrated.

"Ugh really?! Like now?! Can this day get any worse?! I just want to go home.": Taeyong whined and ruffled his own hair in frustration.

Meanwhile At The House:
(Y/N) is currently sitting in his room with dimly lights that can barely shine the room as he sat on the study table, trying to finish his Math homework that was due until next week and his exams were also coming soon and he needed to study because his boss had told him to since it was also part of his mission in having a "normal life" as a student.

He had been able to eat since Jaehyun had been cooking food for him so he doesn't starve himself to death, even though he had told him not to trouble himself, the student council president was stubborn and insisted so (Y/N) soon gave in and ate every meal with him before going back home.

He was trying to do his homework but the voices in his head seemed to get louder and more shrieking as the days went by. (Y/N) started to sweat as tears fell down his face while he tightly closed his ears, trying to block off the voices but nothing seemed to work. His sanity and consciousness was slowly fading away with each step he took as he dragged his feet across the floor and went into the bathroom.

He then turned to look at the mirror in the bathroom, feeling negativity clouding his mind as he thought of how ugly and monstrous he looked with his skinny body and his lifeless grey eyes that held nothing but emptiness in them. He hated them and thought of pulling them out but decided to end it quickly, grabbing a sharp razor from the shelf, tears rolling down his pale cheeks as he recalled the new memories.

"Taeyong hyung, Kun hyung, Jaehyun Xiao Jun Yang Yang......I'm s-sorry......I've d-disappointed you all......g-goodbye......"(Y/N) said in between sobs and ended his life.

Writers note:
Whaaaaa? Is (Y/N) going to die just like that? Is that the end of the story or will there be more? Does Jaehyun like (Y/N)? Does Johnny like Taeyong? Who knows, you just gotta wait for the next chapter......or will there even be one?

Im so sorry for not posting any new chapters for two weeks! My condition got worse so I need a week more to rest. I hope you understand and enjoy the new chapter!

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