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Jaehyun's P.O.V:

My heart felt sharp pain like a knife stabbing into it upon hearing his cries.

Quickly grabbing my belonging from the table, I told my father that was facing me as he sat in front of the table in the restaurant, informing his that something important came up and that I needed to excuse myself right now and left him sitting there as I stood up from the seat and headed out of the restaurant in a rush. He was now left there alone even though the dinner was supposed to be a farewell dinner since he was going to shift to America for work for 2 years.

Rushing out of the restaurant, I took out the car keys and walked towards it in a rush, unlocking the door before hopping in, starting the engine up and closed the door, driving off to (Y/N)'s place at full speed, careful not to crash into anything.

Time Skip:
A few minutes had passed and Jaehyun finally arrived as he wasted no time in hopping off the car and was now running to the back of the house, remembering that (Y/N) once said that the back door will always be unlocked in case of emergencies.

Pushing the mental door with a thud, he managed to push it open and rushed into the hallway, stopping in his tracks as he was confused as to where he should search for the boy but oon found out his location since the house was empty and quiet, allowing him to hear the faint cries from the boy that echoed throughout the house. He stood there for a split second, focusing on the sound before sprinting up the flight of stairs.

"(Y/N)! Are you in there?!": Jaehyun knocked on a closed door at the end of the hallway as he heard the faint cries coming from inside.

"Shut up! Just go away!": the boy inside shouted.

The words striked through Jaehyun's heart but he didn't give up and continued to bang on the door. "No! I won't leave until you open this door and tell me whats wrong!". Jaehyun shouted as he reached for the door knob again, trying to open the door but it was still locked. He continued to twist the door knob, not giving up until a click was heard on the other side of the door.

When the door was finally unlocked, Jaehyun could see a destroyed and tired (Y/N) as he stood infront of Jaehyun, looking st him with red puffy eyes and blood trickling down his arms.

Seeing Jaehyun made (Y/N) feel a sense of comfort and relieve, feeling the heaviness in his head being lifted up when the voices inside his head disappearing the second he locked eyes with Jaehyun whom was looking at him with a worried expression.

"Jae-Jaehyun......": the sobbing boy said with a cracked voice when Jaehyun hugged him tightly.

"Shhhhhh, its okay now. No need to say anything, i'm here now.": Jaehyun said as he hugged him tightly while combing through his soft locks with his fingers, calming down the sobbing boy.

"Yo-you actually ca-came......": (Y/N) said with a weak voice in between his sniffles.

"Of course I would come. What are friends for in the first place?": Jaehyun chuckled as he loosened his grip on (Y/N) and was now looking at him with caring eyes that made the younger want to cry even more.

Having a kind and caring person like Jaehyun made (Y/N) feel surprised and happy that Jaehyun would accept him as a friend even though he felt that Jaehyun should stay away from making friends since he was still completing his mission but then had a second thought as he remembered that his boss had told him to live a normal life. So he thought that he should start living normally. (?)

Seeing that the younger had stopped crying, Jaehyun swiftly slid his arm around his waist and hoisted him up like hugging a teddy bear, making (Y/N) flinch and almost jumped out of his hold but Jaehyun caught him. Jaehyun then placed (Y/N) on the countertop and told him to stay put while he opened the cabinets in the bathroom and took out some bandages and some cotton in one of the compartments. He then grabbed them and walked towards the younger male who is sitting at the countertop and used the cotton, gently wiping off the access blood before unwrapping the bandage and wrapped it tight around the younger males arm, ignoring his stare.

"Alright, lets get you to bed. I bet you're tired.": Jaehyun told the younger boy male as if he was a toddler and got in between the younger males legs that were dangling off the ledge and closed the gap, letting them wrapped around Jaehyun's waist. The older male then leaned in towards (Y/N) who was sitting on the countertop and held onto his waist before sliding him down from the countertop, now fully carrying the younger male as he gripped onto his shoulders tightly due to Jaehyun's sudden move.

Feeling Jaehyun's warmth made (Y/N) feel light headed from all the events that happened before Jaehyun arrived. He was too tired to argue with Jaehyun for carrying him as he felt mentally tired, eyelids getting heavier every second, soon falling asleep in Jaehyun's arms.

Jaehyun held onto (Y/N) tightly and walked downstairs and along the long hallways, exiting the house through the back door.

He then opened the door of his car and placed the now sleeping (Y/N) into the passengers seat, helping him put on his seat belt before quietly closing the door and went to the drivers seat to start up the car, heading towards his house.

When they finally reached his house after a long night drive, the carefully picked up the sleeping male out from the car and went into the house and into his bedroom. He laid the younger male on the bed to let him sleep comfortably before quietly going to his closet and changed into some more comfortable clothes before laying down beside the sleeping male, covering up both of them with the thick blankets as he shuffled closer towards the sleeping male and hugged him by the waist. He admired the boys peaceful sleeping features for a while before closing his eyes and let darkness consumed him.

"Goodnight (Y/N), hope you sleep peacefully."

During the rest of the night that Jaehyun held him close in his arms, (Y/N) didn't have single nightmare that he would always have and finally slept peacefully without any interruptions.

Writers note:
OMG OMG OMG YEEEEE! Thank you all for your patience and for 2.1K reads!

I posted this new chapter for you guys. Yes, my exams are still coming up but I tried. Sorry if it wasn't that good of a chapter. My mind is stuck with maths.😅

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