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Next Morning:
     After a peaceful night's sleep, (Y/N) awoke to soft sheets. Shedding himself of the remaining glimpses of sleepiness, his eyes were still shut as he soaked in the warmth of someones chest, not realizing that someone was hugging him while he slept. Slowly and reluctantly, he uncover his face. He blinks, then closes his eyes and blink again. From the carousel of random idea comes some order-a subtle awareness of who he is under the flow of thoughts with their loose connections to his waking life. After a few moments of him snuggling in the warmth, as he can be clingy during mornings, he began to analyze them in a lazy way. His eyelids flicker open to the unlit room. There was no daylight from the outside so he thought it was still early and closes them again, willing the sleepiness to return, for his mind to tumble back to sleep, but it won't. He opened his eyes again and analyzed the unfamiliar room and stole a glance at the alarm clock, glowing red showing 6:30. 

     Even though he was suppose to wake up by now and get ready for school, he felt lazy and decided to sleep for 5 more minutes. He turned to the side, not realizing that someone was laying beside him and shifted around, trying to find a comfortable spot to continue sleeping but was awoken by a deep yet soothing voice and a warm and large hand was petting his head.

"C'mon (Y/N), time to get up.": Taeyong opened his eyes and glanced at the clock before looking at the cute sight of (Y/N) burrowing into his chest.

"Mmpphh......five more min-": (Y/N) said sluggishly and stopped, only to look up to see the redhead looking at him, making him jump and fall down the bed.

"Oww......": (Y/N) said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Are you alright?": Taeyong asked worriedly and rushed to the younger's aid as he picked him up and placed him on his lap while rubbing his head.

"So-sorry hyung......": (Y/N) apologized while moving away from the older's lap and sat down on the floor in front of him, head hung low.

"Sorry for what?": the older asked with a raised eyebrow.

"F-for wa-waking  you u-up......": (Y/N) shuttered as he answered.

Taeyong sighed upon hearing what the younger had said. "(Y/N) lis-"

"I know i'm a coward, im pathetic, I know I shouldn't have left them a-and I know you would too so if you w-want to f-fire m-me I know I deserved it an-": (Y/N) was cut off when Taeyong crashed his lips onto his, making (Y/N) gasp.

     After a few moments, Taeyong pulled away and cupped (Y/N)'s face with his hands, squishing his cheeks slightly before letting out a sigh. "Listen to me, if you say something negative about yourself again, this is what you get you understand.": Taeyong looked at (Y/N) with a serous yet worried expression.

Meanwhile, after what happened, (Y/N) was frozen, his mind went wild and he couldn't process everything that quick so he just answered the older with a nod.

"Good, now you should go get ready, you still have school.": Taeyong ruffled (Y/N)'s hair before standing up and walked towards the bathroom.

     (Y/N) was still sitting on the floor, mind processing everything as he placed a hand to where his chest is, only to feel his heart beating at a fast rate that he had never experienced before. His other hand then traveled up to his cheek as he felt them heat up. "What in Kun-hyung's name is happening to me?": he thought to himself before getting up and got ready for school.

A few weeks later:
     It had been awkward and weird for (Y/N) these past few weeks because of many unknown feelings that had him feeling all fuzzy and warm inside that's making him flush a light shade of pink on his cheek whenever Taeyong was around him. He had been sleeping in the older's room ever since the older had realized that by making him sleep with him, only that his nightmare will go away. The younger doesn't seem to be complaining about it so Taeyong just continued sleeping with him every night. (Y/N) had even lightened his habit of talking negatively about himself since he was scared that the older might kiss him again.

     But if he excluded the awkward parts, this few weeks that he had spent with the older was quite fun. At first, (Y/N) didn't like him one bit because he thinks that rich kids like Taeyong was always arrogant and self-centered. But he soon realized that he was wrong about him, the older was cold, austere; of a serious and self-contained demeanor, in opposite, he was actually a funny,soft ,kind and energetic person. He would always cover his true personality when he is in public or events due to being respected but whenever he was alone with (Y/N) or with his friends, he would often be funny and energetic or what his friends would call "baby energy".

     Today was a weekend so Taeyong decided to go grocery shopping, a activity that (Y/N) hated due to the large crowd of people but he didn't have a choice and just quietly followed the older out. Before he went out, he made sure to bring along a pair of daggers with him just in case something happens.

     When they are in the supermarket, (Y/N) spent more time reading the labels than walking - isn't that modern shopping? It's that or buys only single ingredients- rice, wheat, beans, tomatoes, eggs...... Ingredients lists are worse then those instructions for experiments in science class in school, every word as long and complicated as possible.

     As they were walking inside the supermarket, the two received many stares from the shoppers and cashiers but (Y/N) brushed it off, thinking that they were just staring at the good looking Taeyong who was grabbing ingredients here and there. When they were done, they headed home, Taeyong was already starting to prepare dinner for the important guest he was telling (Y/N) about the whole day when they were out shopping. The older looked really nervous whenever he would say about this person so (Y/N) was a little curious about who could make the older so worked up like this and so he reminded himself that he should keep his guard up.

One Hour Later:
     Taeyong was preparing dinner with the help of (Y/N) and they were about to take the dishes into the dining room but stopped when the doorbell rang.

"I'll go get it hyung.": (Y/N) said as he walked down the hallway and opened the door, expecting to see someone who was maybe a businessman who wears a suit and tie but to his surprise, there, standing in front of the dorr was someone he had never wanted to meet ever again.

"Excuse me is Tae-oh! (Y/N)?": the girl about his age asked.

"Ah Miss Pierce, just in time, please, come in and join us for dinner.": Taeyong walked towards the door and greeted her.

     At this moment, (Y/N) was in complete shock and in disbelief. He never knew fate could be so cruel as to let him meet the daughter of the man he killed. He promised himself to never cross paths with her and would never hangout with his classmates, afraid that he might meet her again but who knew fate was so "kind" as to send her to his hyung's doorstep. He wasn't shocked by how he had to meet her again, no......what he was shocked about was his curiosity of wanting to know what is going on in between Taeyong and her.

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