Chapter 2

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June 21, 2010

Dr. Emerson walked into Shadow's Habitation room, a smile on his face. Shadow stood up.

"Doctor," the ebony hedgehog began, having learned to be more obedient and polite. "Do you need anything?" Emerson nodded.

"Yes. It's time for Project Sonic to be released from his Stability Tube," said Emerson. At this, Shadow couldn't help but be a bit excited to see how this process was done. The young hedgehog followed Emerson through corridors and to Hallway C and then to Laboratory 4C.

Emerson slipped in his key card.

"Project: Sonic the Hedgehog, gaining access now."

The familiar sounding voice spoke and the automatic doors opened. Shadow never understood technology…

There were already three other scientists there. Shadow tried to read their name tags.

Dr. Geisha
Dr. Gladden
Dr. Eason

Shadow remembered the first name from his previous visit. He can also recall them from the day that he was released, or as Dr. Semers (Shadow's caretaker) called it, his 'birth'.

Shadow looked as the three other scientists went to get up some stairs and onto a platform placed above the Tube, ready to pull the Project out once given the order and opportunity to.

Emerson had his clipboard in hand and walked to put in a code into a tablet that was placed at the base of the Stability Tube. Shadow stood behind his and watched.

There were weird symbols for the code, but Shadow remembered the code.


An 'Error' appeared on the screen on the tablet. It showed some information after a couple of tries, all in a weird writing. Emerson read through it quickly and muttered something to himself. A young man walked up to him, who Shadow assumed to be the new Project's caretaker.

Shadow couldn't help but listen in on the conversation.

"Dr. Emerson, is there something wrong?" Emerson turned to the young scientist.

"Yes. The specimen is having some problems, but the damn tablet won't tell me what it could be for me to fix it," replied Emerson. "But what I do know," he placed lowered his clipboard down to his side, "is that Project Sonic won't wake up today… or perhaps anytime soon."

"Will he be another scrapped Project?" asked Geisha, coming down the stairs. Emerson shrugged.

"Maybe… I'll give him two days, being as there may be a slim chance, I don't want to lose him too soon, but I don't want him to stay in possible misery for too long… if he doesn't wake up by sunset on the twenty-third of June, we'll scrap him," Emerson patted Shadow's shoulder. "Keep an eye on him," he whispered. Shadow gave a small nod of acknowledgement, paying more attention to the Project.

No matter what, asleep or awake, this specimen was beautiful in Shadow's eyes.

He just hoped it doesn't have to die.


Sorry for the short chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it, anyway. :)

Project: HedgehogOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant