Chapter 4

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The next day seemed like it would be uneventful. As much as Shadow had waited to the other's arrival, he didn't bother too much to talk to Sonic, whereas Sonic solely didn't speak as to not annoy the other. Sonic was new to the area and wanted to ask Shadow to show him around, but decided against it. Shadow will show him around soon, even though Shadow didn't know the place himself.

Emerson entered the two's Habitation Room, noticing how they weren't interacting or doing much of anything.

"Hello," he greeted. Sonic gave a wave and Shadow gave a small nod.

"I see you two are itching to do something," Emerson stated. "I've asked the captain of you can go out and explore for the remainder of our stay here in Christmas Island. How does that sound?" Both hedgehogs exchanged a glance and nodded.

"Alright. Be careful out there and come back before dark," the scientist ordered. Both specimens nodded again and followed the scientist to the entrance of the ARK. They both ran outside, curiously looking at everything, having the ability to analyze some of it for information.

Sonic walked around a large meadow. The wind was blowing at his blue quills and he had the sudden urge to run. He didn't know why, so he stopped and looked around for any possible danger. There was none. So why run?

Eventually, Sonic gave in and began to run at unbelievable speeds. Everything around him became a blur as he ran laps in seconds around the open plain.

Shadow emerged from the treeline surrounding the meadow and watched the blue blur run around. Shadow found it hard to keep track of the hedgehog and shook his head.

Sonic did stop eventually, a smile on his face. He looked around and saw Shadow watching him and the smile faltered.

"Uh... hi..." Sonic said as casually as his adrenaline filled mind could manage.

"What was that?" the ebony hedgehog asked.

"Adrenaline? Instinct? I don't know. I could be a robot," replied Sonic. Shadow shrugged.

"Maybe we should tell the scientists," he suggested. Sonic shook his head.

"They should know. Otherwise, why would I have it?" the blue hedgehog asked.

"It could be a defect from what happened," Shadow replied, crossing his arms and leaning against a nearby tree.

"What? What happened to me?" Sonic asked worriedly. Shadow remembered that Sonic didn't know he had almost been scrapped due to an error on his original release date. He shook his head.

"No, nothing. I was just thinking of something else," he reassured quickly. Sonic didn't look very convinced but didn't push it and nodded.

"A-alright. If you say so," he said. Sonic stared at the forest behind Shadow. "Let's go explore the forest," he said, forgetting their earlier subject. Shadow looked behind him. The forest looked a bit foreboding, as Shadow only stayed at the treeline.

"Looks a bit foreboding," Shadow said. Sonic came and stood beside him, smirking at him teasingly.

"You too scared?" he mocked. "Fine, I'll go alone, then." Sonic began to make his way into the forest and Shadow sighed, annoyed and followed the other into the dense foliage.

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