Chapter 12

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"Doctor Henderson!" Shadow exclaimed. "You're alive... and here!" There was a raspy chuckle from the other side of the wall.

"Yes, young ones. I'm still holding on..." Sonic have a small smile before speaking.

"Doctor... what happened to you? What's going on?" the azure hedgehog questioned. Henderson heaved a heavy sigh.

"I made a mistake... a mistake that led to all of our fates..." the old man mumbled quietly. Sonic and Shadow exchanged a glance.

"Henderson... what do you mean?" Shadow asked quietly. Henderson sighed again.

"I... I told Osheaga about the picture... I didn't think he would tell Emerson..." There was some shuffling before the old scientist spoke again. "You need to know something... about Emerson, the picture and this whole situation... But under one condition and one condition alone..." Sonic and Shadow both held their breaths.

"What's that?" they asked in unison. Henderson's voice hardened.

"You must kill Emerson, leave the ARK and destroy it." Sonic's breath hitched.

"W-what...?" the younger asked, his voice shaking a bit. There was silence before Henderson spoke again, his voice almost inaudible.

"Let me explain..." the scientist rasped. "It all happened when Emerson was merely a trainee, an ambitious teenager with huge ideas and destined to be a great scientist... or a great threat to humanity... Gerald Robotnik was his mentor. He taught Emerson everything he needed to know and more. But... Robotnik wanted to spend more time with his grandchildren... young Maria and Ivo... However... Emerson saw this as a betrayal. We landed in Christmas Island to let Robotnik go... But Emerson led a small group of men and killed them... all three of them... He kept it a secret, killing his group and returning with news that they were ambushed by the strange creatures that lived there... But I knew what he had done... And now?" Henderson sighed a third time.

"Now he's planning on using his knowledge to become the greatest threat humanity had ever witnessed... He's planning on becoming something called the Kazumi... That's the reason for your creations. He was going to use you as his great allies, before stealing your powers and life and using it to destroy the world." Both young hedgehogs' eyes widened. "And I need you two to destroy him and this place... for everyone's sake... Please..." Shadow sighed, contemplating it. But Sonic nodded, despite the old doctor not being able to see him.

"Of course..." he murmured. Henderson gave a raspy chuckle.

"Good. Now..." The hedgehogs' ears perked up as the old man continued. "There is a small hole in this wall that separates us. I will pass my keycard to you so you can leave. The cell you are is an old lab, so it can be opened with a keycard. I was going to break through this wall myself and open it and leave, but I'm too old and weak. You must take it and leave to F16 where you will find your own weapon to fight Emerson." Sonic choked as he followed the orders, moving to the hole and taking the card once it was passed to him.

"But... what about you...?" Henderson laughed, sorrow and joy in his voice.

"Don't worry about me, young one. Besides," he began, his voice dripping with emotion. "I've spent my time as needed. And I will find peace in knowing I assisted you two on this..." Sonic paused before Shadow pulled in his arm making him open the door. Once he did, Sonic moved to Henderson's area. The old man looked at Sonic through the glass wall of his own cell.

"What Emerson said is not true," the old man murmured. "You are not mistakes... you will be heroes..." Sonic gave him one last smile before following Shadow out quietly. Taking one last look back, Sonic felt himself overwhelmed by emotions.

"Thank you, Doctor Henderson..." he whispered before leaving, the heavy door closing slowly behind him.

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