Chapter 15

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The two blasted out of the ARK, making their way to where the Kazumi was, ready to use these new powers of theirs on it. The Kazumi was much larger than the two anticipated. Blinking, the large being turned to look at them, before it's eyes became an electric blue and it snarled, it's large, bright and sharp white teeth glowing. Sonic held his breath.

This was it. This was the battle that will settle both humanity and the hedgehogs' fates.

"Emerson!" Sonic yelled. The Kazumi faltered, before it's horrifying scowl grew once again.

"This is the end of the road. For you, or for us. Let's do this..."

At that statement, the Kazumi opened it's large jaws, a light blue glow deep inside its throat before it shot it out. It was some kind of lazer. Sonic's eyes widened as it came towards him. He was unable to move as it neared.

The light was so bright and eventually, it was close enough for Sonic to feel the heat radiating off of it...


Cliffhanger for you folks :3

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