Chapter 8

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This is a short chapter! Sorry! I had writer's block and now I have ideas that I want in later chapters.


As both hedgehogs walked under the pines, the noticed an abandoned weapon that they hadn't seen before, a gun to be exact. The mark was scratch off, as if making it clear that the gun hadn't been used in years. Sonic and Shadow exchanged glanced before placing the gun down, knowing that they wouldn't be able to take it back, despite how much they might want to. Soon, the vegetation around them grew familiar and they emerged into the clearing where they had first seen the cabin.

Both hedgehogs gasped. The cabin was burned to the ground. Black and charred splinters at the base where all that remained.

"What the...?" Shadow muttered in shock. As the two stood staring at the burned cabin, they both had the realization that someone had burned down the cabin on purpose. But who, and why?

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