Chapter 16

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The young golden hedgehog braces himself for the fatal impact. But he felt wind in his fur as he was moved out of the way and then he opened he eyes, feeling two arms around him and fur against his back. Looking up, he saw ruby eyes looking into his own. Of course, it was Shadow who saved him. Sonic smiled with gratitude as Shadow slowly released his grip.

The two moved their gazed away from each other and back to the Kazumi, who was now staring at them with it's eyes squinted. It seemed to be in disbelief and confusion at the display that has just occurred. The Kazumi's face hardened and it roared at them. Shadow moved Sonic behind him, annoying the younger hedgehog. The ebony hedgehog lifted his hand in some cliché power move or stance... or telling someone to stop.

Something ran through Shadow's mind. Analyzing it quickly, he learned it was some kind of battle move he could use.

"Chaos Spear!" he yelled and yellow arrow-like rays shot out of his palms and hit the Kazumi. Said Kazumi roared in pain and anger. Both hedgehogs were surprised before the decided to try out some of their moves. The moves were apparently not new, but had been advanced by the power of the Chaos Emeralds.

Sonic, seeing his chance while Shadow distracted the Kazumi with more Chaos Spears, started to advance to the large creature, gradually gaining speed and becoming just a golden blue as he penetrated through the Kazumi's front leg, cutting it clean off. The Kazumi attempted to swipe at him, narrowly missing as Sonic made his way out of range. Looking around, he realized that this battle was going to need to go quicker. They were getting closer to the Earth.

Shadow seemed to realize this too as he also blasted towards the Kazumi.

"Chaos Blast!" The bit of air around them shook as a big explosion occurred, the Kazumi shrieked and shook violently. Sonic, seeing an opening, shot forward, but the Kazumi reacted quickly, shooting at the young hedgehog. It burned as it made contact with his skin and fur. Sonic grimaced, but he knew it wasn't fatal as the Kazumi hasn't recovered enough to make it so. Shadow moved quickly and grabbed Sonic, moving them both back and out of range of the Kazumi's large claws from its only arm, which was frantically swiping at nothing, trying to get them. It's long tail waved at nothing as well, looking for a target.

Sonic once again darted at it, in a moment, he did something called a Spindash, a Charged Spindash to be exact. He managed to cut through the Kazumi's leg, causing it to lose most of it's grip on the ARK as it screeched in pain.

Shadow aimed his arm, using another Chaos Spear, hitting the Kazumi in the eyes. It screeched once again and it's chest opened, revealing a dark and glowing heart-like object. Sonic looked at it and darted at it, causing it to burst. Both hedgehogs shielded their faces. It screeched again, and while Sonic was vulnerable, it gave one last swing with its claws at him, causing the golden hedgehog to lose it's golden form with the impact and go falling with speed towards the Earth. In return, the Kazumi kept tightly into the ARK, but both the ship and the creature glowed brightly and disintegrated.

Shadow removed his hands from his face after said explosion and looked around for Sonic, before looking down and his eyes widening. The blue hedgehog was falling at a very quick rate, entering the atmosphere with a burst of flames around him, burning his fur and skin. I closed his eyes. Impact couldn't be too far with how quickly he was falling.

Shadow blasted down towards the Earth after the blue hedgehog, gaining speed in a desperate attempt to reach Sonic. Through bleary eyes, Sonic watched the pale yellow figure grow slowly closer, almost not quick enough. The ground was only meters away now, and growing ever closer. But so was Shadow, yet he was still out of reach.

Sonic opened his eyes, tears staining his face as he and Shadow made eye contact. The blue hedgehog smiled at him, driving the ebony hedgehog to go quicker, eventually grabbing Sonic's arm and pulling him into a tight embrace, slowing their speed and landing softly on the sand of a coast. The Chaos Emeralds released themselves from Shadow, returning the hedgehog to his normal form as he placed Sonic down gently on the grass. The two stared at each other, emerald eyes looking into ruby. Then, Sonic smiled and laughed, tears still flowing as well as relief and joy.

"W-we did it!" he stammered in a shaky voice. Shadow chuckled, emotion in his red eyes and he hugged Sonic tightly.

"Yeah... we did..." he murmured and placed a kiss on the blue hedgehog's forehead. Sonic giggled and they stayed in each other's arms for another hour or two, relieved to be free and that their ordeal was over. Now, they can live their lives on Earth as somewhat normal Mobians.

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