Chapter 5

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Shadow examined his surroundings as both hedgehogs walked through the forest. His mind registered everything with names he had heard once or twice when the scientists talked among themselves, like "tree" or "fern" and some other names. Having only seen the world from a glass pane, it was somewhat of a surreal experience walking among the lush vegetation.

The blue hedgehog next to him seemed to be doing the same. Sonic stopped in front of a tree and then became to climb it.

"What are you doing?" Shadow asked, looking at the blue specimen weirdly, arms crossed as Sonic sat on a tree branch.

"Exploring," Sonic replied, without so much as a glance in Shadow's direction. Shadow scoffed and continued walking onward until he found a ribbon of water some feet below him. He was on a ridge, his mind registered the ribbon as a river. He carefully climbed down the steep ridge, slipping a few times only. When he reached the bottom, Shadow cautiously dipped his hand in the water. A chill ran up his arm when he did and he quickly took it back out. Sonic had joined him at the edge of the river and stared at it.

"I don't like it," he muttered. Shadow looked at him.

"It's just water. You've seen water before, right?" Shadow gave the hedgehog a smirk.

"Of course I've seen water!" Sonic snapped. "I just... don't like this."

"It's still just water," Shadow replied. "There's nothing to worry about unless if something were to try to at us from within, which I doubt. I can see the bottom." Sonic looked like was going to argue more, but decided against it, probably thinking that this argument wasn't worth wasting his breath. He just have a growl, at Shadow or the river, the black hedgehog wasn't sure, he just continued to watch the water and small fish swim by while Sonic turned and walked away.

Sonic wasn't sure where to go, but he wouldn't go back the the river. The sight of the water just made his fur prickle with unease. He knew Shadow was right, the water probably wouldn't hurt, but it didn't stop Sonic from vowing never to go into or too close to a river again.

Sonic continued to climb on different trees and looked around the forest. He could still see Shadow sitting near the river. Sonic scoffed and turned around on a tree. Then he spotted it. A cabin.

"Hey, Shadow! I found something!"


Hey, sorry for the late update and short chapter. I tried to get this up as soon as I could, but I had a bit of a writer's block for a few days after my trip. I hope you still enjoyed the chapter, though!

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