Chapter Six

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Nudge gasped, her hand over her mouth, her eyes went wide. Gazzy looked scared, but tried to wipe it his face with a brave look. Iggy became tense as his face became pale.

"They took her back to the school?!" Gasman cried out as Max nodded her head.

"I think so." I looked at Max knowing she was trying to put a brave face on because she was the leader. 

"Why?" Nudge whimpered out. "After four years, I thought maybe they had forgotten--"

"They want us back." Fang crossed his arms. "Jeb knew they would do anything to get us back. If anyone ever discovered what they did to us, it would be the end of the School."

"Why don't we tell on them? We could go to a TV station and tell everyone and say, Look, they grew wings on us, and we're just little kids and--"

"Sure, that would fix them, but we'd end up at a zoo." Iggy interrupted Nudge. 

"I mean, is it that bad to sacrifice ourselves to end the school?" I spoke quietly and looked to Iggy.

"We shouldn't take that risk." Max told me as Fang left the room and returned with old yellow papers. He shook off whatever was on it as Nudge commented on it. 

"Here." Fang placed the papers down on the kitchen table and started to exam them with Max. 

"What is that?" Gazzy glanced at the map Fang laid out.

"Map of the secret facility." I said as I examined all the papers. 

Max then spoke up, "A secret facility in California. The School." 

"Whaaat?!" Gazzy exclaimed really loudly.

"That's where they took Angel. And that's where we have to go to get her back." said Max.

"Oh." Nudge stood there in thought before she spoke, "Yeah. We have to go get Angel back. We can't let her stay there--with them. They're--monsters. They're going to do bad things to her. And put her in a cage. Hurt her. But there is six of us. So the rest of us have to go get hmph--"

Max paused her rambling by placing a hand on Nudge's mouth. Nudge removed her hand and nervously asked, "Um, how far is it?"

"Six hundred miles, more or less. At least a seven-hour flight, not including any breaks." said Fang.

"Can we discuss this?" Iggy interrupted, "We are way outnumbered." 

"No." Max then looked at the papers and I knew she was thinking up a plan. 

"Can we take a vote. They had guns, a chopper, and probably more we don't know about."

"Ig, this isn't a democracy, It's a Maxocrary. You know we have to go after Angel. You can't be thinking that we would just let them take her. The seven of us look out for each other--no matter what. None of us is ever going to live in a cage again, not while I'm alive." Max sighed and closed her eyes. "But actually, Nudge, Fang, and I are going after Angel. Iggy and Gasman--I need you to look after (y/n) and hold down the fort. On the off chance Angel escapes and makes her way home." 

There was moment of dead silence as I looked down and hugged myself. I felt so useless.

"You're so full of it," said Iggy, he turned towards Max a frown etched on his face. "That's not why you want us here. Why don't you just say it."

Max's face turned into a frown, "Okay. It's true. I don't want you to come. The fact is you're blind, and while you're great at flying, I can't be worrying about you in the middle of a firefight with the Erasers. Plus I need you here to take care of (y/n)." 

Iggy's face twisted into anger before Gazzy butted in, "What about me? I don't care if they have guns and choppers and Erasers. She's my sister."

"That's right. And if they wanted her so bad then they would try to come after you. You're eight years old and we're logging major hours."

"Jeb would have never made us stay. Never. Ever." Iggy angrily said to Max before he turned his head towards my direction. "And why're you keeping all quiet. Don't you want to go? You may be injured, but you're a fighter."

I frowned as I felt my lip tremble, tears were welled up at my eyes before I spoke. "Iggy please..."

Max pressed her lips together before she began to walk off towards her room. "Everyone get your gear together." 


Omg I'm so fucking excited to write the makeover scene and the whole Anne and the school arc. I have so many ideas and I'm so pumped when I get to those scenes. 

Have another Fang photo uwu

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Have another Fang photo uwu

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