Chapter Thirteen

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It was awful. The Erasers eyed us like candy and taunted us. I could see Ari taunting Max from the corner of my eye. He was wiggling his fingers in her cage and calling her a piggy. I held back a smirk as she bit Ari. He began to scream and shake her cage. All of our attention went towards the two before Ari threw her cage away. She landed next to Angel and she opened up the latch screaming at Angel to go. I held onto the bars and examined Max to see if she got any major injuries. Angel managed to slip away and into the air as Ari lunged onto Max's crate and began hitting and kicking her cage. "Max!" I called out to her worried she might get severely hurt. Her cage rolled and landed on it's head before she looked up towards the sky. 

I looked in the direction where she was looking and smiled. Iggy and Gazzy brought the hawks and I never have felt so proud. 

The hawks began to attack everyone as Max managed to escape and get Fang and Nudge out of their cages. Fang dashes over and unlatches my cage. It was a blood bath as Max and Fang started beating the shit out of the whitecoats and Erasers. I spring out of my cage and tackle a whitecoat trying to run away, they look at me in horror before I punched them in the face. I could feel my knuckles pop as blood gushed out of their nose. I quickly get up into the air and scoop up Angel into my arms as Max and Fang join us in the air. 

The hawks soon rocketed up into the sky as Iggy gives them a signal that the battle is over. I cradle Angel in my arms and bring her over to Gazzy. He looked so relieved to see Angel and I smile at him. 

"Max!" I swear I almost got whiplash for how fast I whipped my head towards the ground where Jeb stood. "Max! Please! This was all a test! Don't you get it? You were safe here! This was only a test! You have to trust me--I'm the only one you can trust! Please! Come back--Let me explain!" Jeb stared at us in the sky.

"I don't think so..." Max turned around and flew towards me and softly took Angel's hand and kissed it as we all flew away. 

Two hours later we come back to Lake Mead. The hawks were all perched on top of the cliff and all I could do was smile and sigh in relief. Finally. Everyone is back together. 

Angel laid in Max's arms as she spoke softly, "I thought I would never see you guys again. They did all kinds of stuff to me. Terrible Terrible Terrible things." 

Max wiped away Angel's tears and smiled softly, "I would never quit trying to get you back. There's no way I would ever let them keep you. They would have to kill me first."

Angel whimpered as she clutched Max's shirt, "They almost did."

"This is how it should be forever" said Iggy. "All of us together."

Max looked at all of us before she smiled and put her left fist. I place mine on top of her and everyone else one by one placed their fists on top of mine. "I'm just so thankful." Max said as I smile. "This made me realize how much we need one another. I need all of you. I love all of you. But five of us, three of us, six of us isn't us. Us is all seven." 

Fang looked at his sneakers as Iggy tapped his fingers on his leg. We weren't used to Max being so sappy, but Nudge smiled and hugged Max. Gazzy cheered and smiled. I couldn't help but smile as I look out towards the entrance of the cave. 

As soon as we went to sleep it's as if something up there blessed the desert with rain. We all woke up and washed off all the dirt, grime, and blood. I laugh and spread my arms and wings out to the rain. "This feels great." We retreat back into the cave and I sat at the entrance and hug myself. "It's a little chilly now...I wish we could go back home, but I guess they know where it is now."

Fang sat down next to me and briskly rubbed my shoulder. "Cant' go back, guess we have to find a new home." 

"Yeah." I look over to Fang and pull my knees up to my chest. "I think we should go east."

"That's what I was thinking. We'll go east." Max sat on the other side of me and I nod my head. This is going to be one hell of a journey. 


I don't know if I want to make drama between the reader and Max, cause I love Max

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I don't know if I want to make drama between the reader and Max, cause I love Max. I could pair her with Dylan, but...Idk

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