Chapter Twenty Five

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Max was very angry and she started arguing more with the manager. The cops started surrounding us, coming from every side. All around us, tables of people were staring open-mouthed. This was probably the most exciting thing that had happened to them all week.

"Up and Away," Fang said, and Max nodded reluctantly. 

Nudge and Iggy looked surprised, Gazzy grinned, and Angel got that determined look on her face. 

"Right, kids," said a female cop, weaving her way through the tables. "You have to come with us. We'll call your folks down at the station." 

Jason shot me a superior smile, and suddenly I was furious. 'This little rude smug shit stain.' Without stopping to think, I snatched up the bowl of olive oil and upturned it on his head. His mouth opened in an O as pale green oil streaked down his face. "This place blows. Our mom is gonna hear about this." I return the smug look and smile as Max jumps up and off of the table, her wings sprung out and she rose toward the high raftered ceiling.

Angel joined Max, then Iggy, the Gasman, Nudge, and Fang. I climbed up onto the table and scooped up the bread into my arms. "Sorry, my anger got to the best of me. Thanks for the food!" I spread my wings out and I lift myself into the air. 

"Jerk!" the Gasman yelled and pelted the manager with pieces of bread.

"Up here!" Fang shouted, and pointed to one of the stained-glass. Fang ducked his head, covered it with his arms, and flew straight up through the window. It burst with a rainbow-colored crash. and bits of glass sprinkled down.

"Come on guys!" Max yelled. Soon cameras flashed and I could see Max grinding her teeth. 

Gazzy swooped down one last time to grab someone's abandoned dessert. Shoving an entire eclair into his mouth, he nodded and aimed himself through the window.

We all slipped through the broken window and flew high into the sky. I couldn't help but frown. "Well shit."

"Shit indeed. To the trees." Max said, her eyebrows were furrowed in thought. 

We dropped down into a tall maple, breathing hard. 

"That went well," said Fang, brushing glass dust off his shoulders. 

"It was my fault," said the Gasman. He had chocolate on his face. "I'm the one who wanted to go there." 

"It was their fault, Gazzy," Max said. "I bet those weren't even real cops. They had an Eau de School air about them." 

"You didn't think before you dumped the olive oil on the waiter, did you?" Fang asked turning his head towards me.

I scowled and crossed my arms. "He was being a jerk."

"I'm still..." Nudge began.

"Here Nudge, I scooped up some bread." I pull out the pieces of bread from my jacket pocket and handed them out to everyone. 

"People were taking pictures," Iggy said. 

"Yeah," Max said miserably. "As an unqualified disaster, this ranks right up there." 

"And it's getting worse," said a smooth voice.

'No!' I felt my heart skip a beat before I looked down at the base of the tree.

Our tree was surrounded by Erasers.

One Eraser stepped forward, and I caught my breath. It was Ari.

 "You keep showing up like a bad penny," Max said. 

"I was about to say the same thing to you," he replied with a feral smile. 

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