Chapter Twenty

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Let's just say waking up in a small stinky city wasn't the greatest. We quickly left the subway and went back up to the surface taking a deep breath of somewhat fresh city air. We bought some more roasted peanuts and looked at a phone book. We didn't get anything from that and Max growled in frustration. "What the heck are we supposed to do now!?"

I looked at Fang and Fang looked at me. I shrugged before Fang turned to Max and held out his bag of peanuts, "Peanut?"

We kept walking and glanced at all the shops. We stopped at a corner before Max stopped and winced in pain. I look around us before I froze and grabbed Max's shoulder. "Max, look."

Every screen on a building had three words scrolling across the boards. Good Morning Max.

"Jeez." Fang breathed, as he stopped in his tracks.

I let out a whistle before I look to Max. "When did you become famous?"

Max was quiet before she suddenly yelled out like a lunatic, "I don't want to have fun! I want some answers!" 

"Max, are you okay?" Nudge asked as we all moved to an alleyway, away from people. 

Max nodded. "I think we should get on the Madison Avenue bus."

"Why? Is something just magically telling you what to do?" I ask.

"What if this is all a trap." Nudge whispered out.

"I don't know!" Max said as she held her head in frustration. "But maybe we should do what it says for a while to see."

"Do what what says?" Gazzy demanded.

Fang turned around told everyone about Max's voice while I facepalmed. "Way to make Max look crazy."

We finally walked to the bus we needed to get onto. The bus was already crowded and we squished up against each other. I held Iggy's hand while Nudge hugged my other arm. Let's just say, the bus was not the greatest and I'm glad Nudge was next to me and against the wall with Iggy blocking most of the people's view. Damn perverts.

Finally, Max ushered us off the bus and we stood in front of the largest building with the biggest nutcracker I've ever seen. 

"Woah!! We're going in here?" I couldn't help but let a big smile take over my face. This place was heaven for all the kids. 

We split up and looked at all the amazing and expensive toys. I went with Max, Nudge, and Angel to the stuffed animal section and squealed seeing a large life-sized dolphin. I pick it up and hug it and giggle. "It's so fluffy and cute! I want this for my birthday when we settle down!" 

Max then went over to the board games while I went over to the lego section and showed off the dolphin and let Iggy touch it. Max yelled out Fang's named and told us that an ouija board told her to save the world. We knew we had to leave. I went back to the stuffed animals and placed the dolphin back. 

As I was about to turn around and go back to the flock when something tugged at the hem of my jacket. I looked back and gasped. She was a cute little girl with blonde wavy hair, snot and tears ran down her face. I crouch down and wipe away her tears. "What's wrong sweetie?"

The girl kept sniffling and hiccuping before she managed to say, Mommy. I blink in surprise before I smile softly. "You lost your mommy? It's okay. We can find her. Calm down. This place is pretty big but it will be easy to find her. We gotta be quick though I gotta go soon. Dry those tears it's gonna be okay. What does she look like?" 

The girl only let out a whimper before she pointed at her hair. "She has the same hair like you?" I pick up the girl in my arms and pat her back. "Let's go find her." 

We finally found the lady at the checkout and she was with Angel buying a bear. I was so confused, but I was determined to get the girl back to her mom. "Excuse me miss?"

Angel looked up at me and smiled. "This nice lady is buying me the bear."

"Oh, that's...nice of her, but I found her daughter and we need to leave Angel." I start to set the girl down but she wouldn't let go of her arms around my neck. "C'mon you need to go with your mommy now."

She only shook her head and began to cry again. "What's wrong?"

Angel took the now paid for bear and thanked the lady before rushing over to Max. The lady seemed to be in a daze before she looked at me and snapped out of it.

"Oh. Um...hello. Hannah let go of the lady. We should go home." The lady smiled at me as if nothing happened and took the little girl out of my arms and walked away. 

I stood there confused before I turn around and joined the flock outside. "Oooooookay...guess that will be forever locked away in my mind. New Yorkers, yeesh..."


Fang's favorite food is Beef 

Nudge's favorite drinks are Barq's and Jolt.

Gasman's favorite drink is milk

Max loves chocolate chip cookies

Iggy and Angel don't have a specific favorite food/drink

What is (Y/n)'s favorite food/drink?

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