Chapter Fifteen

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It was silent. If a twig snapped we all would have jumped high up into the air. I could hear Iggy grinding his teeth before he barks out, "You've sat on this since yesterday? What's the matter with you? Just because you're the youngest doesn't mean you have to be the dumbest." 

"Ig. Let Angel talk." I said and scooted over to Iggy's side and placed a hand on top of his clenched fist. He turned his head towards me as his face softened a little bit to show he calmed down. 

Max cradled Angel in her arms and brushed Angel's hair out of her face. "Can you tell us everything you heard?"

Angel nodded her head and held onto Max. "I only got bits and pieces. I'm sorry everybody I've just felt yucky...and it really, really makes me sad too. I don't wanna cry again. Awhh, I'm crying again." Angel sniffles and wipes away her tears and snot with her sleeve. 

"It's okay, Angel," said Fang in a low quiet voice. "We understand. You're safe now, here with us."

"It sounded like," Angel hiccuped as Max wiped away more of her tears. "We came from different places, different hospitals. But they got us after we were born. We weren't test-tube babies and it sounded they got the genes into us before we were born somehow. W-with a test? An amino...amino..."

"Amniocentesis?" Max asked. 

Angel nodded her head, "Yeah that's it. And somehow they got the bird genes into us with it. So we got born and the doctors gave us to the school. I heard--I heard that they told Nudge's mom and dad that she had died. But she didn't." 

Nudge brought her hands up to her mouth and smiled as she teared up, "I did have a mom and dad. I did."

Angel looked over to Iggy and I squeezed his hand he places his hand into mine and squeezes back. "Iggy's mom...Died...She died when Iggy was born." 

I bit my lip and looked to Iggy. I could see his face morph into grief. I wanted to cry and hug Iggy and tell him it was alright.

"What about us? Gazzy asked."How could they get both of us, two years apart?"

Angel began to tear up and quietly spoke, "Our parents gave us to the school themselves."

"W-what?" Gazzy slouched and gingerly held onto Max's arm. 

"They wanted to help the school. They let them put bird genes in us and gave us away for money." I covered my mouth with my free hand and teared up. These people are horrible.

"Did you hear anything about me or (y/n) or Max?" Fang asked Angel as he poked the fire with a stick. 

"Your mom thought you died like Nudge's parents. She was a teenager. They don't know who your real dad was. But they told your mom you died." Fang snapped the twig in half as he stared at the fire. 

Max cleared her throat and asked Angel about her parents. Angel said she didn't know and apologized. I opened my mouth to speak but closed it. I don't know if I want to know. 

"(Y/n), um...I actually know a lot more about your parents than anyone else." Angel spoke up and looked to me.

"R-Really?" I look over to Angel. "Is it good?"

"They're alive, but...they're scientists. They work for the school and they gave you away...I heard that they're like the higher-ups in the school. They gave you up as soon as you were born and went straight to work with the school." Angel buried her face into Max's jacket.

I froze. I couldn't think straight. I felt like I got hit by a truck. My parents are the people I despise most. How could they? And they're the big bosses of the school? Did they not care about me? Am I just like Ari? Will I become a monster and become a tool for my parents? I blink away my tears as Iggy wraps an arm around me and gives me a side hug. 

It took a few hours before we all progressed everything and calmed down. I sat next to Iggy with my head on his shoulder. Gazzy sat and ranted for the 3rd time about his parents before Max stopped him and said we should go to sleep. I take a deep breath and sit up and pull Iggy over to sleep next to Angel.

I plop down on the log next to Fang and look to Max. "Maybe you were hatched from an egg, Max. That explains the reason why you're an eggcellent leader." I laugh at my own joke as Max and Fang crack a smile. 

Max bumps her fist on top of my head and smiles. "Go to sleep."

"But I don't wanna," I whined to Max. 

"You know, you're kind of lucky." Fang looked at Max. "Not knowing is better. It leaves all the possibilities open. Your story could be worse or a hell of a lot better." Fang stretched out his wings before he picked up another stick and moved around the logs in the fire. "A teenager, jeez. She was probably a crack addict or something." 

"Maybe not. Maybe she was a nice kid who just made a mistake. At least she actually wanted to wait nine months and have you. Maybe she would have kept you or let a really nice family adopt you." Max crossed her arms and looked up into the night sky. 

Fang snorted in disbelief. I yawn before I placed my chin in my hand. "Fang might've been looked at as a freak...well maybe not cause his dashing good looks." I smile and elbow Fang's side as he grunts in response. 

Fang then gets up and lays down on the ground next to Nudge. I hum quietly before standing up. "I'm not that tired Max. It could be all the thoughts buzzing in my head. I'm gonna fly a little bit, check the area to make sure we're clear. Maybe pick up some food for tomorrow's breakfast."

"I'll wait here for you, don't take too long okay?" Max sat down next to Nudge and Gazzy as I take off into the sky. 


Okie Dokie so my main pairing will be with Fang, but I do want to add moments with other boys cause I love all my boys. And who doesn't like Iggy? Good precious boy. ALSO, for the school arc, I want to add a student that will be a temporary love interest like Sam and Lissa. 

I would like to ask you guys what you would like his name to be. Comment below and thanks so much for reading!! 

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