Chapter Sixteen

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I came back to our little camp with a plastic bag full of popcorn seeds, bread, and some juice boxes. Someone left behind a bag of their groceries in the parking lot and I quickly snatched it up. I saw Max asleep curled up with Nudge and Gazzy. I placed the bag down next to the log and lie down next to Fang. I curl up next to Fang and close my eyes and wrap my arms around myself. What a night.

"Yo!" Max said loudly. "Up and at 'em!" Max moved around the flock and affectionately kicked us awake. I groan and roll over and covered my head with my arms. 

"Oi let me sleep some more, I stayed up to feed you guys," I grumble out to Max and swat away Max's leg. 

"And I appreciate it, but wakey wakey! We'll eat without you." Max then moves on and tries to wake up Nudge. "We're headed for the Big Apple guys. The city that never sleeps. I think we're maybe six-seven hours away."

Fang sat on the log and started carefully popping the popcorn over the fire as Nudge and Gazzy chowed down on the loaf of bread. Angel sat next to Iggy sipping on a juice box. 

We spent about twenty minutes of eating before we got ready to take off. I stretch out my wings as Max takes a running start and leaps into the air spreading her wings. She was about ten feet off the ground before she cried out and fell to the ground. I ran towards her and called out her name. I softly touch her shoulder as Max clutches her head and groans. "Max, is it like before?" Max didn't respond before she stopped shaking and vomited into a bush. I cringe a little before I rub her back and hold her hair back. "Deep breaths Max." 

"Max, what is the matter with you?" Angel sounded so scared and worried as she held onto Nudge's arm. 

"Think you should see a doctor?" Asked Fang.

"Oh, yes, that's a good idea," Max weakly said, "We need to let more people in authority know about us."

"Look-" Fang started before Max interrupted him. 

"I'm okay now, maybe it's a stomach bug or something." Max wiped her mouth before she stood up with my help. "Let's just go to New York."

We finally made it to New York and experienced a little bit of the wild nightlife. We pass over Central Park before Iggy perks up a little bit and cups his ear. "What's that sound? It's music. Is there music below us?"

"It's a concert and it's the Taylor Twins! I love their music!" I concentrate my vision on the people on stage. My eyes blurred up a little bit before I could see up close. "They're so cool!" I giggle before Nudge takes my wrist and yanks me towards the concert. 

"Max! Can we stop and take a look?" Nudge had a big smile on her face as she looked down at the concert. 

"Yes. Try to come down right behind a floodlight's beam, so we won't be seen." Max said as Nudge and I squeal in delight. 

We land and hide our wings before we merge into the crowd and begin jamming out. Nudge and I manage to squeeze through the crowd and go to the front. I cheer loudly and jump with the music playing. They starting throwing wooden bead bracelets into the crowd and I gather a handful before I drag Nudge back to the flock and give everyone a bracelet. "This was so much fun!" 

The concert soon ended and as the crowds of people disappeared off into the city we hid in the shadows of the trees and flew up into the branches. I sat on a branch next to Fand and admired the bracelet on my left hand. "This was the most fun I had with all of you guys. I love the city." 

"Yeah I love all the sounds, it was quiet back home." Nudge slouched on her branch and held her arm up to look at her new bracelet. 

"Too quiet." Agreed Gazzy.

"Well, I hate it." Iggy fiddled with the bracelet. "When it's quiet I can tell where the heck things are, people are, I can hear where echos are bouncing off the walls. I want to get out of here." 

"Oh, Iggy, no!" Said Nudge. "You just got to get used to it. This place is so cool." 

"We're here to find out what we can about the Institute." Max intervened. "I'm sorry, Iggy, but maybe you'll get a little used to it soon. And Nudge this isn't a pleasure trip. Our goal is to find the Institute."

"How are we gonna do that?" I said to Max as I put the bracelet on Fang's ponytail. He simply ignored my giggling as I begin to play with his hair. 

"I have a plan," Max said firmly.


I love the thought of adding so many accessories to Fang's hair. I'm so excited about the makeover! 

Also, I don't think I'll be adding a lot of romance in the beginning because the flock is 14 and younger. I know they look older, but they're still kids. Maybe I'll do the kissing scene with Fang,'ll find out when I get there. 

I also have another question for you guys

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I also have another question for you guys. Would you like something specific when I do your makeover? I want to include some of your ideas into the story cause this is about you guys! 

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