Chapter Twenty Two

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"So he was five years old..." Fang said quietly.

Max nodded as we slowed down and began to walk on the sidewalk. "Made in November, the year 2000, number seven of the batch. They're not lasting too long, are they?"

"A shame really. I hope we don't run into any more today. I'm exhausted." I slouch and continue to walk behind Fang. "My back hurtssssss."

Max slowed down before she leaned down and picked up a card between the bars of a metal grate. She examined it before her eyes widened and she showed it to me and Fang. "I can use it if I figure out the password."

"Max what if it's got a tracker in it, it could be dangerous," I said.

"It could be, but the voice says it's okay and it will help us. Anyways let's go back to the park." Max replied. "Nice, safe central park."

We made it back to the park and settled down in the large trees. I sat next to Max on a branch as she kept looking at the credit card in her hand. "How can the voice know where I am and what I can see?"

"It's inside you," Fang said as he leaned against the tree trunk on a branch above me and Max. "It's wherever you are. If you tapped into your senses, it knows where you are and what you're doing."

"Even in the bathroom?" Gazzy chimed in amused. Nudge bit her lip to hold back her smile while I coughed to hide my laugh.

Max sent him a glare before she sighed out. She put out her left fist and we all reached and stacked out hands over hers. We all departed and got comfy on the branches. "What a day..."

"It is unlawful to climb trees in Central Park," a voiced boomed, a tiny but very loud voice.

"Cops? Dammit..." I ran a hand through my hair.

"How did they even know we were here," Gazzy muttered. "Who even looks up in the trees?"

A uniformed cop was talking to us through a PA system. "It is unlawful to climb trees. Please come down at once."

I could hear Max groan loudly before she sighed. "Okay, guys. Get down; try to look normal. When we're on the ground, we'll make a run for it. If we get separated, connect up at like, Fifty-fourth Street and Fifth Avenue. Comprende?" Max said.

We all nodded before we all climbed down the trees.

'So don't look like a freak and climb down like a monkey. Gotcha.' Making my way down to the lowest branch I just let go and plop onto the ground on my back. "OoF!"

"What was that?" Fang said as he landed next to me on his feet and helped me up.

"That hurt more than I thought it would." I rub my lower back before we all stood together.

"There are signs posted everywhere clearly stating that climbing trees is forbidden." Said one of the cops.

"Are you runaways?" Said the female cop as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at us. "We'll take you somewhere. You can make phone calls, call your folks."

Two more cop cars pulled up and the lady cop close to us moved to talk to the two new officers.

"Now!" Max whispered out harshly and we all bolted.

"Celeste!" Angel cried out. She dropped her bear and went back to pick it back up.

"No!" Max yelled as she grabbed Angel's wrist and swung her into Fang's arms. The cops chased after us and Angel kept screaming and crying for her stuffed bear.

"I'll get you another one!" Max yelled out.

"I don't want another one!" Angel wailed.

"Have we lost them?" Gazzy asked.

"No. Not yet, keep going!" I said.

We finally slowed down when we got to Fifty-fourth Street and Fang suggested to hide out in a shop.

Max agreed as we continued to go east from Fifty-first street.

"What's that?" Nudge pointed to a very large grey building.

"Is it a museum?" Gazzy asked.

Max scanned the sign, "No it's Saint Patrick's Cathedral. It's a church."

"A church!?" Nudge said excitedly. "I've never been to a church can we go in?"

"Sanctuary," Fang said quietly to Max when her face contorted into doubt.

"Cops won't be looking for us in a church. Let's go in." I said. I took Nudge's hand and climbed up the steps. The flock followed after us as I gasped in awe at how beautiful and peaceful it was inside.

Towards the front, people were sitting or kneeling in pews, their heads bowed.

"Let's go," Max said softly, "Up there."

"This place is awesome," Gazzy said.

"What are these people doing?" Angel asked.

"I think they're praying," Max answered.

"Let's pray too." Angel then sat down on an empty pew.

I sat in between Gazzy and Iggy and looked around us.

"What are we praying for?" Iggy asked softly.

"Um...anything you want?" Gazzy said.

"We're praying to God, right?" Nudge checked to make sure.

"I think that's the general idea," Max said.

"Anything you want?" I close my eyes and clasp my hands together and bow my head a little bit.

"Dear God," said Nudge under her breath, "I want real parents. But I want them to want me too. I want them to love me. I already love them. Please see what you can do. Thanks very much. Love, Nudge."

I felt my heartache as I listened closely to what everyone is saying. "God. Please keep my family safe from harm. I want everyone to live their dreams and be happy. I'm ready to settle down and just live my life. I'm not asking for much, I just want my family to be safe."

"Please get Celeste back to me," Angel whispered. "And help me grow up to be like Max. And keep everyone sage. And do something bad to the bad guys. They should not be able to hurt us anymore."

"I want to be able to see stuff." Iggy quietly said. "Like I used to when I was little. And I want to be able to totally kick Jeb's butt. Thank you." I couldn't help but smile as I leaned back and looked at the beautiful stained glass.

"God, I want to be big and strong," Gazzy whispered, "So I can help Max, and other people too."

We sat for a long time in the church and Max smiled softly. "It's so peaceful here."



- Fang's fears are being caged and not being able to help the Flock

- He also hates, and will do anything to get rid of, needles

- He also hates, and will do anything to get rid of, needles

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