Chapter 9

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Janet's pov 1 month later.

I was currently 3 months and my belly was going but it was still hideable. Gil walked in irritated. "They won't let us
Cancel the uk shows J and you already know how your UK fans feel." He said

I signed. "Well lets do the show." I shrugged. "What about Denzel?" He asked. "Replace him, that one guy that we were looking at adding. Bring him in." I said. "Will do." He said walking out.

I sat flicking through my tv and the door bell rung. I rolled my eyes getting irritated. I got up and opened it to Denzel and his mother. "I want you to know if your mother wasn't right here this door would be getting slammed." I said.

I walked off letting them in. I sat on the couch. "Janet I know it wasn't my place but I told him what happened to you , I couldn't live with my self knowing he treated you like that." His mother spoke. 

I shook my head. "It's fine , my momma always said when times got hard people's true colors come out." I said looking at him. "Janet I'm sorry I don't want what happen to effect us like this." He said and I frowned.

"You don't want it to effect us or you don't want me to hurt your career knowing I could end it with one call or better yet one tweet." I said smirking.

Just then the door opened and James walked in and looked at Denzel. "I'll be in the kitchen." He said.  He walked in and I heard gil yell hell no.

"I see yo ass ain get enough of me making you bleed huh?" Gil said charging Denzel up.  His mother step in between them because I sure as hell wasn't. "Please no , I brung him here to apologize he doesn't want anything." She said.

"Good because your job is gone." He stated. Denzel quickly looked at me.
"Replaced." I said getting up going into the kitchen.

James turned to me and rubbed my belly. "Hi little babyyyy I'm uncle James but if yo momma quit playing I'll be step daddy james." He said and I hit his hand.

Gil walked in. "I got a date heffa I'll be here tomorrow to ride with you for the UK shows." He said and I nodded saying my goodbyes.
I picked up my phone and got on Instagram, the first picture popped up made me mad as hell.

  I picked up my phone and got on Instagram, the first picture popped up made me mad as hell

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James saw me frown and came up behind me. I felt him press up behind me and kiss my neck. "Fuck them." He said moving my phone and putting me  on the counter. And began kissing me.

I said fuck it why not. It was time I treat people how they treat me.

~~~ UK~~~ 3 weeks later

I stood in the dressing room fixing my makeup to get it how I wanted it. Just when James walked in.

"Hey baby" he said grabbing my waist. I rolled my eyes. "James I told you about that shit, not while I'm working." I said shaking him off.   He had become to attached to me  for my liking. Seriously he already filed for a separate between him and his wife like damn I didn't even say I wanted you.

He turned me around and kissed my lips and moved to my neck. Just then Denzel walked in and I rolled my eyes so hard they probably could've got stuck. James looked at me. "You good." He asked. I smiled and kissed his lips. "I'm fine baby go change." I said.

He went along and I looked at Denzel. He was pissed. His nose flared. Chest heaving up and down and fist balled. "You hit me I'm killing yo ass." I stated going to sit down.  I sat rubbing my belly. "Janet you shouldn't be performing while pregnant." He said.

"Why do you care about my child." I said. "Because it could possibly be mines too. And even if it isn't that's still my child I was there for the beginning and I was so happy to be a father man, I was so ready , Ive always wanted kids a-and to have that opportunity possibly taken from me was like a punch in the face. I don't care what DNA or anybody says J I want this baby." He said breaking down.

He began to let his tears fall and my heart broke. I never thought about how he felt and that hurt me even more. "Denny come here baby I'm so sorry." I said tearing up too. " don't be you didn't ask for this,  just let me be here and love you and show you the man I can be and show you who I truly am." He said hugging me.

"I-I can't I'm basically with james." I said to him and he frowned. "You not a home wrecker Janet and we both know you don't love nor want him so come back home." He said kissing me. I kissed him back and we made out for a good ten minutes while our hands roamed eachothers body.

We broke apart. "I was never with Alex , she's nothing to me. We had sex a few times but that's it and she knows that." He said. I looked at him and nodded. "Same here" I said smiling climbing on top of him. There was a knock at the door and Gil walked in.

"Oh hell no Janet Damita Jo Jackson I know you fucking lying." He yelled. "Gil we'll talk later Get out." I said.
"Bitch I don't know if the dick that good and don gave you amnesia but you got a show to do so let's go." He said pulling me. We stopped at the door and he looked back.

"She May have forgiven you but I hope you get hit by a bus bitch." He said and pushed me out the door. I got on stage and we went through the numbers.

It was so fucking hot

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It was so fucking hot. I turned to the sound and gave them a signal to turn on the back tracks. I was not finna sing and dance while pregnant in this damn heat. Finally the show was over and I got off stage. They threw me a towel and ice cold water.

I saw James and he came up to me. "So we through then huh?" He said all rude and shit. I looked at him. "We never started." I said walking away. Gil caught up to me. "We have a problem." He handed me his phone.

I rolled my eyes WE'RE FUCKED

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I rolled my eyes WE'RE FUCKED.

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