Chapter 16

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Just wanna say I promote nothing but safe sex. Wrap it up kids.

Janet's pov
I sat on a couch looking back and fourth between Christian and Denzel. "So this the nigga you been ducking off with huh? Lyrics doctor?" Denzel asked.

"Well pretty boy actually I'm all three of their doctors I just give Janet a different type of treatment." Chris said and I threw my pillow at him.

"Let's just face facts these last couple months I've treated her like a queen. Because you are one." He said winking at me. "You've been doing nothing but bullshitting her while I was making her feel better. And brother when I tell you I made love to her so good last night. I know she mines." He said. I face palmed myself.

"Nigga you ain got shit on me." Denzel said. "Meanwhile you sitting here trynna argue with me over the person that writes ya paychecks." Chris said laughing. "No I'm arguing with you over the woman I love . I know I ain been right but aye I'm still learning she is the mother of my kids and I'll kill over what I love remember that." He said his nose flared up and his fist balled.

"Buuuuut she still writes your checks."Chris chuckled.

"Can y'all both shut the fuck up." I asked.
"So Janet you really done with me?" He asked. "I don't know Denzel. I don't know anything right now but I know you haven't been treating me right." I admitted. He looked at me and shook his head.

"Can y'all leave I need time to think." I said to both of them. "She's gonna choose me." Chris said putting on his jacket. "Yea I'll make sure that doesn't happen." Denzel said walking out.

— 1 month later —
I sat in the room with my babies and Gil as we went over a new look for my tour. "Dunk we need new colors that's not black or white sis we been doing that for decades." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"So you wanna tell me what you were doing those times you asked me to cover for you?" He asked.

"I was fucking with Christian." I said whole scrolling down Instagram. "Bitch the doctor. Damn I was hoping he was gay." He said and I laughed. I went in the closet to find some stuff accidentally knocking over some paper.

I picked it up with Denzel's name on it. It was already open so I decided to read it since it was from a doctor.

Denzel Chisholm was seen by Dr.bryce and diagnosed with Bipolar Depression. He was given anti-depressions to take by mouth once a day. November 12 , 2018.

I shook my head looking into the bag next to it and seeing that his meds hasn't even been open. This damn boy never listens. I went out to tell Gil when my phone started ringing.

Dr.reyez : hello can I speak with ms.jackson
-this is she
Dr.reyez : well Janet you came in for a check up and I got some test results I want to talk to you about. Ms.jackson the test came back positive for Chlamydia...

My eyes widened as my heart began to pound I hung up the phone not listening to anything else. "Gil watch my kids." I said grabbing my keys and storming out the house.

I stomped on the gas to the hospital. Everything he did made perfect sense now. Why he waited to have sex with me. This bitch thought he got rid of it not thinking about how many times I have his bitch ass head. How could I be so stupid I didn't even know this nigga.

But he supposed to be the doctor right. I got to the hospital pushing pass security and up the elevator to his office. I walked in to see Denzel standing at his desk. I came more into vision to see him holding a gun at Christians head.

He looked at me and chuckled. " you gonna choose him right ? Janet , gimme one good reason why I shouldn't pull this trigger." He said and suddenly all my anger went away.
What tf was I supposed to say?

I looked at Chris and back at Denzel. Chris flipped his desk over pulling a gun out on Denzel. "Naw nigga . Now it's her choice. Janet pick right now. Who lives and who dies." Chris said with a smirk on his face.

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