Chapter 12

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Janet pov
As I laid lyric Down and quietly and quickly went out the room. I laid on my bed letting out a deep breathe. It's been 3 weeks since I had the twins and I was losing my fucking mind.

Denzel had been in and out of the house for 2 weeks. He was preparing for the upcoming award shows with other stars. I was beyond pissed. I had just had his damn kids and he was literally not here.

I heard my door open and loudly close. Waking not on but both of the twins as they started crying loudly.
I broke down crying.  Randy walked in. "Janet yo kids crying." He said looking at me.

"I fucking hate you bitch they were sleep until you fucking slammed the door you inconsiderate retarted motherfucker." I yelled at him. "Watch yo mouth." I heard from the door.

I turned to see my mother. She had the twins in their car-sets. "I'm taking my babies with me." She said simply as she turned and left. "So you just gon let her have you kids?" He said.

I turned and looked at him. "Randy if u still wanna have a working dick and both yo eyes I suggest you leave cause I'm thinking of something I could do with both of them."I said honestly.

He shook his head.  "Take that out on Back up dancer not me." He said walking out slamming the door. I turned on my heels grabbing my phone.

I called Denzel it went straight to voicemail.  I texted him saying that if he wasn't here in the next hour it was gonna be a bigger problem. 

I went into the kitchen and got the strongest bottle I could find. I was really going through it. I drunk two straight glasses and went to the living room and waited. 30 minutes went by and he still wasn't here.

I began pacing. 11:45 pm  came around and he finally came in. 45 fucking minutes later. "Where the fuck have you been Denzel." I yelled. He stopped.

"Baby I told you I had two rehearsals back to back." He said. "And do you not understand that you have to fucking newborn here, which is more important this family or you damn work?" I yelled. He went to say something but I interrupted him.

"So we just gonna forget that I have a whole damn career too right ? My fans want new music Denzel , I've missed four  fucking studio sessions because you don't know how to get here when your supposed too." I said.

I looked at him and broke down crying. "You said you'd be here for me,  I can't do this by myself Denzel." I cried.  He came over and sat by me.

"I'm sorry baby , I'm here now and I'll be here in the future."he held me and I cuddled into him.   I looked up at him and kissed him. Climbing onto of him.

"Woah woah woah. Janet your 6 weeks are not up." He said stopping. "Your already in hot water with me wanna make it hotter?" I asked he shook his head no. "Good then Fuck me." I said pulling him to the room.

Next dayyyyyyyyy___

I woke up to a sore body and a empty bed. It was 10 am. I saw a note on the pillow. Had a show this is my last one for awhile I'm sorry baby love you .
I rolled my eyes.  I got up and showered and brushed my teeth.

I was sitting on the couch eating cereal when my mother and Randy rushed in. "Janet we need to take lyric to the hospital." He said. I jumped up.

I looked at her. Her eyes were yellow and her skin was beginning to turn yellow. "What's wrong with her what happened?" I yelled. "Calm down baby I don't know that's why we need to go now."I grabbed my phone and quickly left.

I called Denzel over and over again. No answer. My babygirl started crying and for the first time I couldn't get her to stop. As we pulled up to the hospital as rushed in for help She started coughing and then no sound was made at all. She stopped breathing.

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