If you're happy, then that's all that matters...

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Anthony Rivera x reader
You slowly walk through the park, you smile at the beautiful scenery. You always loved looking at the trees and the sun shining down onto to them. You stop in your tracks when you see him...

He looks you in your (E/C) eyes. (Eye colour just in case you didn't know) His eyes widen and so does yours. He gives you a small smile and you give him a fake smile. You feel your heart hurting a bit. That's when you see her walk up to him and hug him. His eyes light up with joy, he looks happy to say the least.
Looks like she makes you happier than I did...

-(Flash back)-
You where sitting on Anthony's bed whiles he was fan girling over a voice actor for his favourite anime character. You sighed and looked at him,
"Anthonyyyyyyy pay attention to your girlfriend not some online girl!" You whine at him.
Unfortunately he just ignores you. You huff slightly getting irritated. I mean this wasn't the first time this happened, in fact is been happening a lot recently.
"Oh god! She's so cute! And her beautiful voice!! I'm in love!" He fan girls.
You look at him upset, tears forming in your eyes.
"Anthony you don't mean it right?" You mumble
"Of course I mean it (Y/N)!"
You sigh and walk out of his room. He doesn't even say anything. You decide to leave his house and go to your best friend Tal. You call him informing him that you're coming to the freetime house. He was delighted that you were coming over.
As soon as you got over, you told Tal about what's been happening. He notices that tears form in your eyes again.
"I feel like he prefers her over me..." you mumble.
Tal hugs you and strokes your hair trying to calm you down.
"(Y/N) I'm sure it's nothing, you know how Anthony he is. He's a weirdo, I know he loves you okay?" Tal says reassuringly
"So what should I do Tal?" You ask looking up at him.
He takes a minute to think.
"Mhm, how about you try to arrange a meeting with this girl! That way Anthony will be even more happier since his caring girlfriend sorted out a meeting with his favourite voice actor!" Tal suggest.
You nod, "that's a great idea! Thanks Tal!!"
You hug him tightly, he just chuckles at your reaction.
"Hey, no problem"
He gives you a big smile. With that said you head off arranging a meeting for your boyfriend. I won't say it was the easiest but you got it down. It was time to surprise him.

A week later
"Anthony come on!" You shout, pulling your boyfriend to your favourite park.
"Ugh, I prefer to stay home and watch some interviews with Hano Ashika" (I know a made up name for the voice actor, please just go with it) Anthony whines at you.
"Trust me, you'll love this" You say with a big smile on your face.
I will fix our relationship, I promise Anthony.
You snap out of your thoughts and look at Hano. You smile and wave at her. You look at Anthony and realise his eyes widened.
"No freaking way!" Anthony pulls his hand out of your grip and runs up to Hano.
You lightly smile and catch up to them. But you wish you never got them two to met.

As soon as you get there, you hear them two laughing and complimenting each other. Your smile drops.
"I love you so much Hano! You're the most perfect girl on earth!" Anthony squeals.
You frown.
I'm sure he didn't mean it...
You snap out of your thoughts when you see them two hugging and exchanging numbers and socials. You have never seen your boyfriend so happy.
"So who are you?" Hano asks
"Oh I'm (Y/N), Anthony's girl-"
Anthony interrupts you
"Hano, she's my friend. She doesn't understand how cool you are so just ignore her!" He exclaims happily.
That breaks your heart.
What...I'm not your friend. I'm your girlfriend. And you're just going to ignore me.
You snap out of your thoughts when you realise Hano and Anthony have walked away together.
Tears form in your eyes and you quickly call Tal and head to his house. You tell him about everything.

"Don't worry (Y/N), he probably will thank you later. He's coming over soon to film so you'll see how he'll thank you!" Tal said reassuringly
You nod your head, slowly losing faith in Anthony.

A few hours later
The door opens and Anthony steps in. You run up to him.
"Hey Anthony-"
You get interrupted by Hano entering after him. Your boyfriend simply walks past you holding Hank's hand. You feel your heart break even more. Tal saw the whole scene and looks at your broken expression. He gives you a reassuring smile but you just look at the floor.
"Oh Anthony, who's this?" Tal asks
"This is Hano Ashika!" He says happily
All the boys just nod and look confused.
"Why is she here dude?" Adi asks looking at her and then back at you
"Well, she's my girlfriend!" Anthony exclaims happily and Hano just kisses his lips.
And that was it. Your heart breaks. Your eyes widen and you feel tears streaming down your face. Tal immediately looks at you and has a shocked expression that turns into anger. The others boys expression turns into anger as well. Before anyone can say anything you run up to Anthony. He looks at you as if you're nothing.
"What the fuck Anthony, I'm your girlfriend!" Tears stream heavily down your eyes.
"Uh, well not anymore" Anthony just shrugs, clearly not bothered.

That broke you. All your faith and hope was gone. You were empty.
"I-i see how it is...hope you're happy with her." You mumble and walk towards the door.
Everyone looks at you as you slowly make your way out do the house. They see how much pain you are in.
"Goodbye, I guess.." and with that you left.
As soon as you left your heard the boys shouting and screaming at Anthony. He just got angry back at them. Tal ran out to you and shouted,
"(Y/N) I'm so sorry, please come back"
You turn around and make eye contact with Tal, he sees how broken your beautiful (E/C ) eyes look.
"It's not your fault Tal. You did what you could. It's my fault. I'll come film soon, just not now and not yet... I'll be going now. You know how to reach me..." you slowly walk home.
Tals heart breaks at what you said and at the sight of your being so broken.

-(Flash back ends)-

It's been a while since then. You still film with freetime but it's rare and if you do you're not in the happy mood you used to be. Anthony broke you and you can't be fixed. Tal offered as much as support he could but nothing got to you. All the boys tried to help but still nothing.

You see Anthony whisper something to Hano. He then starts to head towards you.
"Hey (Y/N)...." he mumbles
You just nods. Not that you don't want to speak to him but ever since that day you've been crying day and night. You stopped talking not wanting to saying anything to cause you to cry again. You only give sort replies.
"Uh, how have you been?" He looks awkwardly at your eyes. He seems to see something but he can't put his finger on it.
Broken, that's what he sees. He didn't see the beautiful happy (E/C) eyes that he fell in love. He saw them broken. He was to blame for that. He broke you.
"What about you" you mumble
"I'm actually doing amazing, Hano has changed my life" he smiles brightly
"So i have heard from the guys about you, just hang on, okay?" He mumbles.
He wishes to make you smile and laugh and if truth be told things weren't amazing with Hano. Yet he doesn't know what to do. He wants you back yet, those words would never leave his mouth.
"If you're happy, then that's all that matters..." with that you gave him a fake smile and walked away.
You knew tears were about to spill from your eyes any second. Anthony tried to reach out for you but you were gone, out of his reach. You would never be his again. He frowns and walks back to Hano.

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