Local cutie

576 4 2

Cenna Rashidi x reader

You walked into your local cafe, like you did always. Nothing unusual. Local people, the everyday workers, same smell once you step in, the same layout, no new decoration and the same old sign outside. You liked how everything was the same but sometimes you wanted something new. You walked over to your usual table and sat down. The cafe is always busy but since no one new comes everyone has a table and there's no space for new people. That's how you liked it. Sitting next to strangers wasn't on the top of your list. You take out your phone and earphones. You also take out your charger and plug it into the wall. Your phone lightly buzzes indicating that it's charging. You smile lightly. As usual, your everyday waiter walks up to you.
"Morning (Y/N)" he says
"Oh hey Dean!" You exclaim
Dean always serves you and because of this you two become close friends. You two meet up sometimes and go to the park or to one another's house. He was a good friend and he knew you well, you always could count on him.
"The usual?" He says with a smile
"Yup!" You nod your head
With that said Dean walks away with your order.

You put in your earphones knowing you won't be talking to anyone again. Since Dean can't be talking whiles his working. Sit back and put on some music. The light breeze hitting your face softly. The door was usually kept open since it was beautiful weather. You scroll through your phone looking through Instagram. Dean walks up to you and puts your order down on the table. You smile at him and look back down onto your phone.

You pick up your (H/D) (hot drink) and you take a careful sip. Since you don't want to burn your mouth. You place the cup down and continue looking through your Instagram feed. Then the bell rang indicating someone has entered the cafe. You didn't bother look since you knew it was going to be one of the local people.

Cenna's POV
I walking into this little charming cafe. I'm surprised I never saw it before. As soon as I stepped in the bell rang lightly. Thankfully it was one of those annoying bells. I looked around the cafe to notice there's no spaces left, well free empty tables. I looked around and that's when I saw a young girl say alone at a table for two. She had (H/L) (hair length) (H/C) (hair colour) hair and a big beautiful pair of (E/C) (eye colour) eyes. She was breathtaking to say the least.
It wouldn't hurt to sit next to her.
I looked at the mirror which was placed to sit of the door. I looked at myself just to check if I look alright, got to have a good first impression. I glanced at her one more time.

Normal POV
You turn up the volume on your music so it's a little bit louder. You pause for a little bit feeling someone's eyes on you. This wasn't normal. No one really payed attention to you. So slowly looked up trying to spot who it was without making it obvious. You notice it's a guy. He looks cute, you lightly blush and look back down at your phone.

Cenna's POV
As I was looking at her, she looks up and lightly glances at me.
Crap she saw me!
I looked away. I could feel my cheeks warm up. I walk up and order a drink. They told me that they'll bring it to me. So now it was time to go and find a seat.

Normal POV
You turn down your music since your ears were starting to hurt a little. You carry on looking at your phone until you hear a little cough. You pause your music and look up to notice the guy. He gives you a shy smile. You smile back and take out your earphones.
"Hey" you say lightly
"H-hey" the guy replies, his cheeks getting warmer after stuttering.
You lightly laugh at how cute this guy is.
"Uh do you mind if I sit here? There isn't any other free tables.." he shyly mumbles.
You nod your head, "yeah sure!"
You grab you bag off the chair opposite you and place it down onto the floor next to you.
"Thanks" he smiles at you and sits down.

Cenna's POV
I can't believe I stuttered in front of this girl, she probably thinks I'm a loser I mean she did laugh. What else could that mean...
I looked up to her to see that she's on her phone again. I watched a strand of her (H/L) (H/C) fall down into her face. She scrunched her nose lightly, but proceeded to scroll through her phone with her earphones in listening to music.
Now that was cute.

Normal POV
You felt someone's gazes on you but you didn't brother to look up. A strand of your hair fell down onto your nose causing you to scrunch your nose. You felt a pair of eyes intensely looking at every action you make. You look up slightly to see the guy looking at you. You awkwardly smile and he blushes and looked away.
Huh strange he keeps looking at me. Is there something on my face??

Cenna's POV
Crap she noticed me! Again! I mean what will she think of me! Gosh I better stop before she gets scared!

Normal POV
You notice the guy got his drink order. You can't help to notice he has the same order as you. You lightly laugh whiles looking at him drinking his drink.
"Oh shoot! Is there something on my face?" He asks worriedly slowly fringing bright red.
You pause your music and take your earphones out laughing lightly whiles shaking your hands in from of you and your head indicating there's nothing to worry about.
"No no no, sorry! I just couldn't help but to notice you have the same order as me" you mumble the last part hoping he doesn't think you're some kind of weirdo.
He looks at your drink and back at his.
You can't help but laugh at this cute action.
"Oh yeah! Damn you like (H/D) as well!" He asks
You nod your head, "it's my go to drink! I always order it here. It's simply the best at this place"
"Yeah, it's really good here. Might come here more often" He exclaims
"You better come early since it's a pretty busy, the local always come here" you tell him slowly turning your music off and placing it into your bag.
"Damn, you might have to help me get a sit..Uh...." he mumbles at the end
"(Y/N) (S/N)" you reply
He laughs lightly, "nice to me you (Y/N) I'm Cenna!" He exclaims with a bright smile.
You look at him with a smile
Damn he's cute!
You lightly blush.

Cenna's POV
So (Y/N) the real question is what do you think of me?
We talked some more and I got to know more about her. But unfortunately my time came to an end and I had to head off to go film with the guys.

Normal POV
"I really had a fun time talking to you (Y/N)" cenna exclaim.
You nod your head, "Yeah it was really fun. Thanks for accompanying me today cenna!" You exclaim with a bright smile.
Cenna lightly blushes.
"I'll be happy to accompany you another time" he says smiling back at you.
The two of you exchange number.
"Well I'll see ya around local cutie" and with that said Cenna left the cafe.

You sit back down in your seat and smile looking at your phone to see cenna's number.
Damn, what do you think of me?

Author's note:
Hey guys! Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the long wait, I've been quite busy with art and I went on holiday. But I'll try to update more now!

Also thank you for 2K reads I really appreciate it!

Feel free to request oneshots, since I would never turn down a request!

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