I'll stay this one time

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Tal Fishman x (???) Reader || part 2


Tal noticed that you've been going out at late times and coming back early in the morning more often. At first he kept thinking it was the same situation with your friend. But over time he began to question it. I mean if you were just helping out your friend, why did you always have all back clothes on and a face mask with a big black hoodie on. Maybe you were cold, but then again you could just wear a scarf instead of a face mask. You also had your gloves on which would have been a normal thing but you had leather skin type gloves which Tal remembers you saying that you would never wear them since you hate the style of it and you had the way it feels. Maybe you could have changed your mind on it but when Tal asked about it you scrunched up your face in pure disgust and told him that you would prefer to die then wear them. So clearly something was going on. Tal started to think of every possible situation, yet it all got cancelled at one point. Tal started to debate whether you were cheating on him, since it would explain a lot but then again, why would you need a massive black bag. What could you possible carry in that. Well, simple solution would be to look through the bag, right? Yeah well Tal tried but it's like that bag disappears when you have it. All of this has been stuck on Tal's mind. He just wishes you would tell him what the fuck you're up to. But if he asks you, you just shrug it off and say it's stuff for your friend. Maybe Tal is just thinking too deeply into it.

It was late at night and as expected you were getting ready to leave at night. You put on your black clothes and your black shoes. You then put your big hood up, over your head and put your face mask on. Then you grabbed your leather gloves and put them on. You headed downstairs quietly making sure to not wake up Tal. I mean that's the last thing you would want to do right? Trying to explain yourself again. You grab your black bag from a secret cupboard and head towards the door. You quietly opened it and stepped out, locking the door behind you. You got into your car and started to prepare yourself for your journey.

Tal's POV
Today was the day I find out what (Y/N) is hiding. I don't want this secret thing to ruin our relationship so something has to be done!
With that said Tal started to get up, hearing you exit the house. He quickly put some clothes on and grabbed his car keys heading over to the front door.

He watched you get into the car and carefully put your stuff in the passenger seat.

Normal POV
You slowly turned on your car and started to drive to your destination. But little did you know, someone was following. As you arrived at your destination, you saw a car following you. This worried you but you were relived when the car carried on going forward when you turned left. You smiled lightly knowing that you're going to survive another day.

You grabbed your bag and stepped out of the car. There it was, the old abandoned building. You locked your car and started to head inside. All you know it that this place has been locked down for ages, no one ever comes here. It would I be a good spot for filming those exploring abandoned places but the warning signs and the sharp fence and the danger signs must have scared everyone else away. Especially with the psychotic serial killer on the loose. Now that serial killer is vicious in their killing, it's simply disgusting to hear about it. Oh and when the pictures of the victims get shown, that simply makes people vomit. Their killings have become quite often, yet they haven't been found. No one knows anything about them and no one ever will.

Well, other than you. You walked through the building and started to head to the basement area. The door creeped open. You dropped your bag on a table in the basement. You headed over to a big cage and shook it. A boy started to cry.
"Not laughing anymore are you?" You ask with a hint of amusement in your voice.
"W-w-why are you d-d-doing this to me" the boy cried.
"Why did you pick on my little brother! He did nothing to you! So why do you got at him!" You yell, anger taking over it.
"I-i-i didn't mean to!" The boy cries even more.
"Just like I didn't mean to kill you and you're friends" you say coldly and walk over to your bag.
"You did it on purpose!" The boy yelled at you whiles crying.
"So did you." You say coldly and get out a syringe and a sharp knife.

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