You'll fit in

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Micheal Rosillo x (troubled) reader

You moved schools often. You just struggled to stay in the world, you liked to be in your own little universe. Because of this it caused you trouble in your education. I mean it wasn't your fault. You never seemed to be yourself when you weren't high or drunk. You could function properly when you were high and wasted, you got used to it and it was the only way you could cope with life. When you were high and drunk you could think normally, you could stay awake, you could talk normally and you could do any task normally. When you weren't high or drunk you couldn't think, you keep falling asleep, you stayed quiet and would never speak and you could never focus, you would be lost in a world that you're new to. This world was the current world everyone else lived in, they seemed fine but you never would, you needed your own little world, you could cope then. Because you moved a lot, you lived with different families. When you were born, your parents left you on the street. They are teens that didn't want a baby. So you never knew your parents all you knew it that they didn't want you and they were extremely young when they had you. You know that the child's home knew your parents name and address and phone number but you didn't want to know them, just like they didn't want to know you. The feeling was mutual.

Now you were in a new city and a new country. You previously where in (C/N) (counties name and sorry you can't use America, so use any other country!) and now you where in America. It's crazy how you moved around so much  in (C/N) that now you had to move countries. No family in (C/N) wanted you anymore. They didn't want you anymore because you caused too much trouble, schools hated that you used to get so high and dunk, they thought you would be a mess. Yet you never were, you focused well. You got in trouble loads but that was because of the people. They used to bully you and make fun of you. They provoked you for no reason. You would always get in a fight, but they played dirty and got a whole group to beat you up. You had no one to stand up for you. Maybe this new school could be different.

You stopped at the main doors. Your foster mother touches your shoulder, you tense a little.
"It's alright, you'll fit in. I can assure you that nothing bad will happen. It's a good school and the kids here a lovely" she says with a reassuring smile.
You nod your head, "does the school know about my conditions?" You mumble
"Yes they do, they said if it helps you then it's alright but cause distribution in the class and you will be expelled" you foster father says with a stern voice but with a light smile.
So far your foster parents were nice, they cared for you and understood you. Something your previous foster parents never did.
You turn to look at them and smile.
"Thanks mum and dad" you say
You see both of your foster parents face light up when you said 'mum' and 'dad'. Your mum pulls you in to a hug.
"Have a good day honey!" Your mum exclaims and walks back to the car with your dad.
They both wave at you and you wave back. You open the doors and head to the reception. 

The lady at the reception smiled at you.
"How May I help you?" She asks
"Uh, I'm (Y/N) (S/N). I'm a new student" you say awkwardly scratching the back or your neck.
She nods, "Ah yes! Please wait a second. You can sit down" she says pointing at you little waiting room.
You nod and sit down. After 10 minutes a boy walks up to the reception. The lady looks up and smiles.
"Miss (S/N)" she calls
You stand up and walk over to the desk.
"Yes?" You say
"This is Michael, he has the same lessons as you so he will show you around" she says with a smile
You nod you head and look at Micheal. He stares at you with a light blush on his face, his jaw drops.
"Uh, I'm (F/N) (S/N)" you stick your hand out
"Uh... yeah yeah. I'm Micheal uh Rosillo.." he mumbles and shakes your hand
"Nice to meet you Micheal" you say with a smile
"Uh back at you" He says
The bell rings indicating its break time. The two of you start to walk to the yard.
"So (Y/N) do you want to hang out with me and my friends, they're nice and I know it might be hard for you to find someone to hang out with.." he says
You're about to speak but Micheal interrupts you.
"I mean if you don't want to then that's cool, I mean you might be really social and make friends easily, but I thought I would just put it out there..." Micheal continues to mumble
You light laughs, "Micheal chill, I would love to hang out with you and your friends if it isn't too much of a problem" you state
He nods, "no no no of course it's not a problem"
The two of you head over to a bench with two other guys already there.

"Yo guys, this is (Y/N) (S/N), she's gonna chill with us since she's new" Micheal shouts
"Oh nice, I'm Tal Fishman" a guy with a long neck says (had to do it to them)
You nod your head, "nice to me you" You smile and Tal smiles back
"And I'm Anthony Rivera, you might know my brother Brent Rivera" He says with a cheeky smile.
"You fool, you wish he was your brother!" Micheal shouts
"Why am I friends with you guys again" Tal mumbles
You brush out laughing and the boys join in. You never really had a good time. You never laughed, so this was all new to you. You felt like this school wouldn't be so bad after all. Your mum was right, you'll fit in after all.

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