You keep staring at me, are you okay?

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(Therapist) Caylus Cunningham x (patient) reader

Today was the day, you have been struggling to keep a positive attitude towards life. I mean, after all it wasn't easy. You have had many meetings about it yet nothing helped. You got recommended Mr Cunningham. Apparently he's good and he can help, but you really doubted that.

You slowly walked up to the building. You pressed the button and a loud buzz noise signalled you to open the door to the building. As you pulled the door open and walked in it made a somewhat loud click signalling the door has locked. You pull the glass door open to reveal a reception area. You head to the desk where there's a lady sat there she looks up at you and smiles.

You quietly speak up, "Uh I'm here for my appointment with mr Cunningham."
She looked at you and smiled, "name?"
"Oh y-yeah (Y/N) (S/N).." you awkwardly say, mentally freaking out that you forgot to say your name the first time.
My god I'm dumb, she probably thinks I'm a freak! Ughhhhh way to go (Y/N)
You snap out of your thoughts when your hear the lady speak.
"Please take a seat. Mr Cunningham will be ready in a few minutes"
With that said, you sat down on the coach. It was somewhat awkward since it was dead silent, the lady noticed that you felt really awkward so she put some music on to lighten up the mood. You smile as your favourite song comes on. You feel yourself relax but not fully.

A few minutes pass and you're still sat there. The music playlist was playing in the background and to be honest you hated waiting, it made you feel so tired and it was so mentally painful. You close your eyes for a split second.
"Miss (S/N)?" The lady says.
You open your eyes and stand up knowing that it was time for your appointment. In all honesty you were shitting yourself. I mean it's a complete stranger and you need to tell them how you hate life. Sounds fun am I right?

You slowly make your way to the room. You take some deep breaths and knock on the door gently. You hear a male voice speak,
"Come in"
With that said, you slowly opened the door to reveal a bored looking young man. You slowly step in closing the door behind you. As soon as you make eye contact with him, his eyes light up. All of a sudden he looks excited. This confused you.
"You must be miss (S/N)?" He sticks his hand out for you to shake.
"(Y/N) will do." You shake his hand
"Ah yeah (Y/N)" he says testing the way your name rolls off his tongue.
He claps his hands together and gestures towards the chair.
"Please do sit!" He says excitedly
You nod you head and sit down on the chair, you must have been in a thousand of these. You sigh losing faith that you'll get better.
"Mr Cunningham right?" You ask nervously
"Yeah yeah! But feel free to call me Caylus!" He smiles brightly.
You just nod and look out of the window, resting your head against the back of the chair. The whole laying down thing never felt comfortable for you so you just sit in the seat. I mean you're not comfortable either way but it's somewhat better.
"So (Y/N), how was your day so far?" He asks taking out a pen and a notebook.
You notice that this notebook had your name on the front. You ignore it and look up at the ceiling.
"Eh, it's been alright I guess" you state simply
"Anything interesting happened?" He asks whiles taking notices.
He's already taking notes, I mean they usually wait for 30 minutes before taking notes but eh, I won't tell him how to do his job.
"Uh yeah sorry, no nothing interesting, same old boring day"
You look at the window but you feel someone staring at you. You try to ignore it but it's so intense and constant that you can't help but frown.
"What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asks still staring at you.
"You keep staring at me, are you okay?" You decide to make eye contact with him, looking him dead in the eye.
You see him fidget in his seat.
"Y-Yeah and Hey! I'm the therapist not you!" He laughs.
You awkwardly nod your head and look out the window.
Well that's awkward...
You hear Caylus clear his throat. You look at his direction to see him putting his pen in his pocket and his notebook into his bag.
"Let's not take notes anymore, so it's more relaxing and comfortable for you" He states.
You nod you head, "thanks I guess"
He sends you his bright smile and you lightly smile back.

You yawn, getting tired of answering questions about yourself. Caylus just wanted to get to know you so you feel more comfortable with him. But you where in another dimension, you where completely out of it. You yawn again and close your eyes. You still feel someone staring at you which you already knew who it was. You sigh. As you sigh you feel this heavy level of tiredness float over you. You slowly lose conscious as you fall asleep. Caylus smiles knowing he'll get to look at your cute face for a bit longer. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

You wake up a bit later and see Caylus putting all his things away.
"We're about to close so you should head home" he states with a smile.
You nod, "sorry for falling asleep"
"It's okay!" Caylus exclaims
You nod your head and gather yourself, you stand up and look at Caylus.
"Caylus, when's our next session?" You ask softly.
"Next week, is that good for you?" He asks with a smile on his face.
"Yeah, all good for me"
You smile at him and start to head back to the main entrance. As you made it you walk over to the buses and wait to catch your bus home.
Well that wasn't that bad, Now was it.
You laugh lightly to your self whiles putting your earphones into your ears. You know what time it was...
You play your playlist and keep an eye on the people. Yet your mind drifts off thinking about Caylus. You have to admit he was cute. But he would never feel the same, but it's alright. You'll survive.

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