"Charlotte stop this isn't your fault you weren't thinking please stop"

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I stop to look around and someone puts their hand on my shoulder I grab it but stop when I see it's Bellamy "you good?" He nods and we keep looking "you care for her a lot don't you?" He asked I nodded "when I was 5 my mother got pregnant again so Jaha floated her if she was never caught my sister would be 13 around Charlottes age so I thought it was a chance to get my little sister back" he nods it's dark out and I finally found her "Bell" I point to her and we run and Bell grabs her "shh" I grab her but she screams "let me go" "Charlotte we are trying to help you" "I'm not either of your sisters so stop trying to help me...IM OVER HERE" "are you trying to get us all killed?" "Just go I'm the one they want" my heart drops and I start looking around as Bell talks to her "we've got to go" he picks her up and she screams and we run I lead to way and almost fall off a cliff I step in front of Bell and Charlotte "Murphy this has gone to far" Clark and Finn come and go by Bell "just calm down" he then grabs me and puts a knife to my throat "Murphy let her go" Finn says "oh you want my to let go of your half sister? Not gonna happen" I block everything out and smile shaking my head and I start chuckling "I never thought I would die by John Murphy the low life scum slitting my throat" "shut up!" And he tightens his grip "please dont hurt her" "don't hurt her? Okay Charlotte why don't we make a deal you come over right now I will let her go" "don't do it Charlotte!" "I cant let any of you get hurt anymore not because of me not after what I did" "Charlotte stop this isn't your fault you weren't thinking please stop" "yes it is my fault even ask Clarke" I looked over at Clarke and she looked down "Charlotte whatever she said don't listen to her okay it was an accident okay we all make accidents Charlotte you are basically my little sister and I love you so much please don't do this I love you" "but it is my fault Clarke even told me I'm a murderer J and I'm so thankful I met you okay you were like my big sister I love you and I'm sorry" and she jumped "NOOOO" I screamed I pushed Murphy and ran but Bell stopped me before I fell off "No!" After I heard everyone arguing I threw my knife at Murphy's leg and got up pushing Clarke against a tree and everyone stayed put shocked "What the fuck did you tell her! She was a fucking kid Clarke! Yes she killed Wells okay but she wasn't thinking we could have fucking helped her" "I'm sorry" she cried I put my arm back and punched the tree right next to her and I pushed her away from me and walked back to camp "Cupcake come back we should walk in a group there's grounders they could hurt you" "I want them to fucking try" I said and walked into the dark.

I found and killed 2 grounders already and then I see a cargo pod or something I already had my hair fixed so I stole the grounders clothes and walked back to camp and I see everyone gathered I see two girl in just a blanket next to Bellamy who is shirtless I rolled my eyes "hey here's some grounder clothes for anyone who want it!" And I set it down and walked away but I got pulled back and into a tent by Bellamy "What do you want Bellamy" "where did you get it" "from grounders" "they just gave it to you" "are you stupid! I killed 2 grounders now let go of my arm, your little friends are waiting for you" he turns around and see the two girls and I rip my arm out of his grasp and walk further away only for him to stop in front of me "are you jealous cupcake?" I furrow my eyebrows "of what?" He smirks "you are aren't you" I roll my eyes "I truly don't know or care about what you're speaking of but I've got to go hunting for some food" "the grounders are out there" "and I killed two of them" "with the size of the clothes the grounders were petite so it probably wasn't that hard" I glared at him about to say something but someone then tapped my shoulder "do you mind? Bellamy come on and let's go for another round" I rolled my eyes "I've got to go I'm going to throw up" O comes in and said "are you sick?" "No she just reeks like fish" I say in a monotone voice the girl gasps Bellamy chuckles trying to cover it with coughing but fails and O straight up cackles the girl was about to hit me but I grabbed her and twisted it behind her and put a knife up to her throat "I will not hesitate to kill you" "Cupcake calm down and give me the knife and you go get your clothes and go to your tent we are busy" I roll my eyes and push the girl away and walk away "if I don't come back don't come looking for me" Bell then grabs my arm and says "you are not going anywhere you have to eat and go to sleep" "I'm not tired nor hungry" "fine then you go and sit over there because we are not leaving we are all staying in camp it's dark out and there are grounders its not safe we will head out at first light spread the word" he said to O, some guy, and I, I stood up and got out the tent "your king said you aren't leaving until sunlight go back to sleep" Everyone groans and goes to their tents and I walk over to the wall "Bellamy said I could go hunting since food is very low" they nodded and I left.

Rebel Queen {B.B}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora